n. (as, a light quantum) फोटॉन (पु.)
n. (as, a light quantum) फोटॉन (पु.)
n. (as, a neutron released as a result of photodisintegration) फोटोन्यूट्रॉन (पु.)
adj. (of or relating to a photon) फोटॉनी
adj. प्रकाशन्यूक्लीय (as in : photonuclear reaction प्रकाशन्यूक्लीय अभिक्रिया)
Nucleonics प्रकाशन्यूक्लीय प्रभाव
n. (pl. photophoreses) (as, the movement of small particles under the influence of radiant energy; a phenomenon in which a unidirectional motion is given, by a strong beam of light, to a system composed of very fine liquid or solid particles, which are suspended in a gas or falling through a vacuum) प्रकाश कणसंचलन (न.) cf. magnetophotophoresis चुंबक-प्रकाश कणसंचलन
n. (a proton emitted from a nucleus in a photonuclear reaction) फोटोप्रोटॉन (पु.)
n. प्रकाशसंवेदीकरण (न.)
v.t. (to make photosensitive by means of chemical or optical sensitisers; to induce as a chemical reaction by means of an intermediary substance that absorbs radiant energy) प्रकाशसंवेदी करणे
adj. प्रकाशसंवेदित, प्रकाशसंवेदीकृत
n. प्रकाशसंवेदक (पु.)
adj. (sensitive chemically, electrically, or otherwise to the action of radiant energy as light) प्रकाशसंवेदी
n. प्रकाशसंवेदिता (स्त्री.) प्रकाश संवेदनशीलता (स्त्री.).
n. Astron (as, the name given to the visible surface of the sun on which sunspots and other physical markings appear) प्रकाश आवरण (न.), तेजावरण (न.)
adj. प्रकाश आवरणी, तेजावरणी
n. (synthesis of chemical compounds with the aid of light sometimes including the near infrared or near ultraviolet) प्रकास संश्लेषण (न.)
adj. प्रकास संश्लेषी
n. Electronics, Thermionics (as, an electron tube having a photoemissive cathode) प्रकाशविद्युत नलिका (स्त्री.)
adj. प्रकाशव्होल्ट—, प्रकाशव्होल्टीय
प्रकाशव्होल्टीय घट, Photoelectric Cells प्रकाशव्होल्टीय घट
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