n. (symbol Φ or ∅) फाय (पु.)(सं. Φ किंवा ∅)
n. (symbol Φ or ∅) फाय (पु.)(सं. Φ किंवा ∅)
n. Acous. (as, the unit of loudness level of a sound) फोन (पु.)
n. १ ध्वनि (पु.), स्वन(पु.) २ श्रवणक (पु.) ३ (a telephone) दूरध्वनि (पु.)
adj. ध्वनिसंबंधी
adj. ध्वनिसंबंधी, ध्वनि—, स्वन—
Elec. Comm. स्वन चक्र
n. (an instrument for making photographic records of sound waves in air) फोनोडाईक (न.)
n. फोनोग्राफ (पु.), ध्वनिलेखी (पु.)
n. (an instrument for measuring the intensity of sound or the frequency of its vibration) स्वनमापी (पु.)
n. (one of the quanta into which compression-wave energy is assumed to be divided and which like photons are supposed to have individual identity and mean free path) फोनॉन (पु.)
n. Chem. (as, luminescence that is perceptible with characteristic rate of decay after the exciting, Couse ceases to act) स्फुरदीप्ति (स्त्री.) cf. brightness
adj. स्फुरदीप्त
(in comb.) १ (as, light) प्रकाश—२ (as, photon) फोटो—
n. प्रकाशचित्र (न.)
प्रकाश कॅथोड, n. photoelectric Cells (a cathode that emits electrons when exposed to light or other radiation) प्रकाश कॅथोड (पु.)
photoelectric cell
photoelectric cell
adj. १ (of, relating to, or produced by the chemical action of radiant energy and esp. of light) प्रकाश-रासायनिक २ (relating to photochemistry) प्रकाश रसायनशास्त्रविषयक
n. (a branch of chemistry that deals with the effect of radiant energy as light in producing chemical changes) प्रकाश रसायनशास्त्र (न.)
adj. प्रकाशवहनी
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