आद्याक्षर सूची (1137)


n. १ Elec, (a cup, jar or other vessel or a division of a compound vessel containing electrodes and an electrolyte either for generating electric currents by chemical action or for use in electrolysis) घट (पु.) (विद्युतघट) २ (विजेरीचा) सेल (पु.) २ (as, chamber) कोष्ठ (पु.) ४ Biol. पेशी (स्त्री.)


v.t. १ (to alter or adjust so as to bring to some standard or required condition– as, to correct the reading of a gas volume for temperature and pressure or to correct the lens for spherical aberration) संशुद्धी करणे २ दुरुस्ती करणे, सुधार करणे adj. १ संशुद्ध २ (as, conforming to or agreeing with fact– it implies freedom from fault or error, oft. as judged by some conventional or acknowledged standard) बरोबर, अचूक cf. precise


n. १ काटछेद (पु.) २ Math. अवछेद (पु.) ३ Nucleonics (when extended to mean a measure of probability of a particular process. It is expressed in units of area) परिक्षेत्र (न.) (as in : nuclear reaction cross-section न्यूक्लीय अभिक्रिया परिछेत्र)


v.t. & i. परिवर्तन करणे, परिवर्तन होणे, बदल करणे, बदलणे, बदल होणे n. परिवर्तन (न.), बदल (पु.), (in comb.) –अंतर (न.) (as in : change of position ) स्थानांतर)


n. (the term refers to any interaction between free particles, aggregates of particles, or rigid bodies in which they come near enough to exert a mutual influence, generally with exchange of energy) संघता (पु.), (commonly) टक्कर (स्त्री.) cf. impact elastic collision प्रत्यास्थ संघात


v.t. & i. १ (to make like; to shape to fit) समनुरूप करणे, अभिसंगत करणे (conform implies the achievement of harmony अनुरूपण or correspondence अभिसंगती by compliance as with a preexisting pattern, from or principle) cf.adapt २ (to have same shape, outline, or contour, etc.) समनुरूप असणे, अभिसंगत असणे


adj. १ (acting or operating as if jointed, as conjugate foci ; bearing to each other a relation characterised by having certain features in common but by being opposite or inverse in some particular) संयुग्मी २ Math वृत्तपूरक (as in : conjugate angles वृत्तपूरक कोन) v.t. &i. (as, to join together; of a chemical compound— to unite so that the product is easily broken down into the original compounds) संयुग्मन करणे, संयुग्मन होणे n. संयुग्मी (पु.)


n. १ अंशन (न.) २ (the process of determining experimentally the absolute values corresponding to the graduations on an arbitrary or inaccurate scale of an instrument) अंशशोधन (न.) cf.graduation ३ (as, a set of graduations marked to indicate the values— usu. used in pl.) अशंशोधित (न.) (as in : pressure calibrations on the steam gauges वाफेच्या प्रमापीवरील दाबासंबंधी अंशशोधिते)


v.t. १ (to convey in or as if in a channel ; to act as a medium for conveying as heat or electricity) –चे वहन करणे २ (as, to conduct scientific experiment, etc.) (प्रयोग, इत्यादी) करणे चालवणे n. वर्तणूक (स्त्री.), n. १ (a channel or pipe for conveying water or other fluid) प्रणाल (पु.) २ (as, pipe) नळी (स्त्री.)


adj. १ समनुरूप, अभिसंगत २ Chem. (as, conformational) समआविन्यासी ३ Math.गुणनक्षम (as in : conformable matrices गुणनक्षमता सारण्या) ४ Geol. (following in unbroken sequenece — used of geologic strata) अभिसंगत


adj. १ सामान्य, साधारण cf. normal २ सामाईक (as in : common surface of contact समाईक संपर्क पृष्ठ) ३ Math. (belonging to two or more quantities) सम, समान, साधारण ४ साधा (as in : common hydrometer साधा तरकटा)


v.t. & i. १ (of a liquid—to increase or to cause to increase in density or strength; to become thicker) संघनित करणे संघनित होणे, –चे संघनन होणे २ (of a gas or vapour—to change or to cause to change to liquid) द्रवीकरण करणे, द्रवीभवन होणे ३ (of light— to focus ; to concentrate by passing through a lens) नाभीयन करणे, नाभीयन होणे


adj. १ Chem. (relating to or formed by coordination) सहबद्ध २ Math. सहनिर्देशक– v.t. &i. १ (as, to bring into a common action, movement, or condition; to regulate and combine in harmonious action) समन्वय करणे, समन्वय साधणे २ Chem. (to attach so as to form a coordination complex) सहबद्ध करणे ३ Chem. (to combine by means of a coordinate bond) सहबद्ध होणे n. Math. (any one of a set of numbers used in specifying the, location of a point on a line, in space, or on a given plane or other surface) सहनिर्देशक (पु.) (अ.व. सहनिर्देशक)


n. Elec., Heat, etc (the transfer of heat through matter by communication of kinetic energy from particle to particle rather than by a flow of heated material— as against convection; maintenance of an electric current through metals by a general movement of conduction, ejectrons, etc.) वहन (न.) cf, admittance संवहन


v.t. १ (to have within ; to hold) अंतर्भाव करणे, अंतर्भाव होणे, आत असणे २ (to have capacity for; to be able to hold) धारण करणे ३ अंतर्विष्ट होणे (as in : angle contained by —ने अंतर्विष्ट झालेला कोन)


n. (a faint glow adjacent to the surface of an electrical conductor at sufficiently high voltage that results from electrical discharge; a usu. coloured circle often seen around and close to a luminous body caused by diffraction produced by particles of dust, etc.) कोरोना (पु.), वर्णवलय (न.)


v.t. & i १ (as, to join in physical or chemical union, etc.) संयोग पावणे, संयोग होणे २ (as, force, processes, etc.) संयोजन करणे, संयोजन होणे ३ (as, to cause two or more things to mix together, as, to mingle) मिसळणे ४ एक करणे


n. १ (of a liquid, gas or vapour) संघनित्र (न.), संघननी (स्त्री.) २ (of electricity— apparatus for receving and accumulating electricity; a capacitor) संधारित्र (न.) ३ (of light— a lens or mirror usu. of short focal length used to concentrate light upon an object) नाभीयक (पु.)


converter, n. १ (also converter) Elec. Eng. रूपांतरित्र (न.) २ Met. (as, Bessemer converter) रूपांतरित्र (न.) ३ Nuclear Eng. (reactor or breeder which converts fertile material into fissile material through neutron capture, e.g., U-238 to Pu-239 and Th-232 to U-233) न्यूक्लीय (प्रजनक) रूपांतरित्र (न.)


n. १ (an instance of a thing’s occurrence; actual state of affairs) स्थिति (स्त्री.) २ (as, enclosure of something) पेटी (स्त्री.), –धान (न.), –धानी (स्त्री.) ३ (as, an illustration) उदाहरण (न.) ४ प्रकार (पु.), बाब (स्त्री.)