आद्याक्षर सूची (1726)


n. (a general term for the processes of absorption, adsorption and persorption) शोषण (न.) cf. absorption अवशोषण adsorption अधिशोषण chemisorption or chemosorptior रासायनिक अधिशोषण persorption परिशोषण physisorption भौतिक शोषण


n. Light (an instrument used to measure spectra or to determine wavelengths of the various radiation) पंक्तिमापी (पु.), स्पेक्ट्रोमीटर (पु.) autocollimation spectrometer स्वसमांतरी पंक्तिमापी curved crystal spectrometer वक्र स्फटिक पंक्तिमापी ultraviolet spectrometer जंबुलातील पंक्तिमापी X-ray spectrometer एक्स किरण पंक्तिमापी


n. १ (generally the susceptibility to the external action, as measured by speed of response or degree of responsiveness, as exemplified by sensitivity to light and other radiation, etc.) संवेदिता (स्त्री.), संवेदित्व (न.), संवेदनशीलता (स्त्री.) २ (as, of photographic film or other instruments) सुग्राहीता (स्त्री.)


n. १ बाजू (स्त्री.) २ (as, a right or left lacteral part) पार्श्व (न.) ३ Math.(of an equation) बाजू (स्त्री.) ४ Math.(of a figure) भुजा (स्त्री.) adj. १ पार्श्व २ आनुषंगिक १ (as in : side products आनुषंगिक पदार्थ, आनुषंगिक उत्पाद)


संकेतचिन्ह ४ (as a mark, sign, etc.) खूण (स्त्री.), n. १ (as, an arbitrary or conventional sing; as, a character, diagram, letter, etc. used in writing relating to a particular field as, mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.) संकेतचिन्ह (न.) cf. character २ (as, chemical symbols) संकेतचिन्ह (न.), संज्ञा (स्त्री.) ३ (commonly) प्रतीक (न.), चिन्ह (न.)


v.t. १ (as, to throw or direct in a particular direction, as rocket, etc.) पाठवणे, प्रेषित करणे २ (as, to give off or out as heat, light, etc.; to emit) उत्सर्जित करणे ३ (as, to cause to issue; to transmit) पारेषित करणे


n.१ (as, the process of analysing successively) क्रमवीक्षण (न.) २ Television (as, the process of analysing successively the light values of picture elements constituting the total picture area) क्रमवीक्षण (न.) circular scanning वृत्तीय क्रमवीक्षण conical scanning शंक्वाकार क्रमवीक्षण electron scanning इलेक्ट्रॉन क्रमवीक्षण interlaced scanning अंतर्ग्रथित क्रमवीक्षण pattern scanning आकृतिबंध क्रमवीक्षण


adj. (of second rank, importance or value; immediately derived from something original, primary, or basic; dependent on or following something fundamental or first) द्वितीयक, दुय्यम cf. primary प्राथमिक प्रथम n. १ द्वितीयक (पदार्थ, रासायनिक पदार्थ वगैरे) २ Elec. Eng. (as, secondary circuit, coil, etc) द्वितीयक (परिपथ, कुंडल वगैरे) ३ Astron. (secondary planet) द्वितीयक (ग्रह वगैरे)


n. १ Math. (as, a portion cut off from a geometrical figure by a line or plane) खंड (पु.) २ (a piece or separate fragment of something) खंड (पु.) cf. division भाग fraction अंश, भिन्न fragment शकल, खंड part भाग, अंग, अवयव portion भाग section छेद, खंड sector क्षेत्र ३ Math. (as, of a circle) वृत्तखंड (पु.)


adj. १ (as, lacking firmness or strength; weak not hard—as opposed to hard) मृदु २ (of water and water solution—characterised by the practical absence of substances that prevent the formation of lather with soap) सुफेन (as in : soft water सुफेन जल) ३ (of radiation—having relatively low penetrating power) दुर्भेदक, अल्पभेदक (as in : soft radiation अल्पभेदक प्रारण) ४ (of glass—capable of being annealed at a relatively low temperature) सुगलनीय (an in : soft glass सुगलनीय काच) ५ photog. अल्पउठाव (as in : soft negative अल्पउठाव व्यस्तनित्र) ६ (commonly) मऊ, सौम्य, कमकुवत


n. (a term formed from the constraction of sound, navigation and ranging— an appratus that detects the presence and the location of a submerged object as a submarine or underwater mine by means of sonic and ultrasonic waves which are reflated back to it from the object) सोनार (पु.)


n. १ (as, the region beyond the earth’s atmosphere; all of the universe beyond the solar system) अवकाश (पु.), अंतराळ (न.) २ (as, continuous and boundless extension considered as a vacuous entity in which extended things may exist and move; also a limited extension in one, two, or three dimension) अवकाश (पु.) ३ (as, the distance between points or objects, whether regarded as field or unfilled) अंतर (न.) ४ Math.

specific ionisation

(as, the number of ion pairs formed per unit distance along the track of an ion passing through matter) विशिष्ट आयनन primary specific ionisation प्राथमिक विशिष्ट आयनन relative specific ionisation सापेक्ष विशिष्ट आयनन total specific ionisation पूर्ण विशिष्ट आयनन


n. (the production and investigation of spectra; the science of spectroscopic phenomena) पंक्तिदर्शन (न.) beta-ray spectroscopy बीटा किरण पंक्तिदर्शन gamma-ray spectroscopy गॅमा किरण पंक्तिदर्शन grating spectroscopy जाल पंक्तिदर्शन high-resolution spectroscopy र्आत विजोयन पंक्तिदर्शन microwave spectroscopy सूक्ष्मतरंग पंक्तिदर्शन radio-frequency spectroscopy रेडिओ वारंवारता पंक्तिदर्शन


n.१ (as, a graduated or orderd scries of degrees, stages, or classes) मापनश्रेणी (स्त्री.) , श्रेणी (स्त्री.) २ (as an instrument for measuring) मापनी (स्त्री.), मोजपट्टी (स्त्री.) ३ (as, relative measure, a distinctive relative size, extent or degree) प्रमाण (न.) ४ Music स्वरग्राम (पु.) ५ (oft.used in pl.) तराजू (पु.) ६ (as, a balance pan) पारडे (न.)


n. Elec. Eng. (as, an electrical bypath so arranged that an electric current divides and flows partially through the shunt, and partially through the equipment that is shunted) पार्श्वपथ (पु.) v.t. & i. (to provide with or divert by means of a shunt) पार्श्वपथन करणे, पार्श्वपथित होणे, v.t. & i. बंद करणे, झाकणे

Stark effect

(after Johannes Stark, Ger. Physicist- as, an effect similar to Zeeman effect) स्टार्क परिणाम cf. Zeeman effect first-order stark effect प्रथमक्रम स्टार्क परिणाम second-order stark effect द्वितीयक्रम स्टार्क hired-order stark effect तृतीयक्रम स्टार्क


v.t. & i. वेगळे ठेवणे, विलग करणे, विलग्न होणे cf. detach विलग करणे, विलग होणे divide विभाजन करणे separate पृथक करणे, पृथक होणे, वेगळे करणे, वेगळे होणे, विभक्त करणे, विभक्त होणे split विभाजन करणे, विभाजन होणे


v.t. & i. १ प्रसार करणे, प्रसार होणे, फैलावणे २ पसरणे, पसरवणे n. १ प्रसार (पु.) (as in : band spread पट्टा प्रसार) २ प्रसारक्षेत्र (न.), फैलाव (पु.)


v.t. & i. १ (as to colour by processes affecting chemically or otherwise; absorb colouring matter) अभिरंजन करणे, अभिरंजित होणे २ डाग लावणे, डाग लागणे n. १ (colouring material) अभिरंजक (न.) २ डाग (पु.)