photoconductive cell
प्रकाशवहनी घट
प्रकाशवहनी घट
n. photoelectronics प्रकाशवाहकता (स्त्री.)
n. (as, the disintegration of the nucleus of an atom produced by absorption of radiant energy) प्रकाश विघटन (न.)
adj. प्रकाश प्रत्यास्थ
n. Eng. (the technique of determining the stress distribution in bodies under complex systems of loading by passing polarised light through a nitro-cellulose model) प्रकाश प्रत्यास्थता (स्त्री.)
adj. प्रकाशविद्युत—
प्रकाशविद्युत क्रिया
प्रकाश विद्युतघट, प्रकाश घट, (generally, any device in which the incidence of light causes an alteration in the electrical state-as, a phototube) प्रकाश विद्युघट, प्रकाश घट
Photoelectronics (as, the effect of light falling upon metal surfaces and causing them to give out electrons, to generate an electromotive force, or to undergo a change in resistance) प्रकाशविद्युत परिणाम
n. (electricity produced by the action of light) प्रकाशविद्युत (स्त्री.)
प्रकाश इलेक्ट्रॉन, n.(an electron ejected from a substance by the action of light or other radiation) प्रकाश इलेक्ट्रॉन (पु.) (प्रकाश निष्कासित इलेक्ट्रॉन)
n. (the science dealing with the interactions of electricity and light, esp. with those which involve free electrons) प्रकाश इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी (स्त्री.)
n. (also photoelectric emission) Photoelectronics (as, the emission of electrons from the surface of a body usu. an electropositive metal by the incidence of light) प्रकाशविद्युत उत्सर्जन (न.)
adj. प्रकाशविद्युत उत्सर्जी
n. (also called processengraving) प्रकाशकोरण (न.)
n. प्रकाश उत्तेजन (न.)
n. फोटोफिल्म (स्त्री.)
n. प्रकाशचित्र (न.) v.t. & i. प्रकाशचित्र काढणे
प्रकाशचित्र स्थिरक
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