angle of refraction
Light अपवर्तन कोन
Light अपवर्तन कोन
१ (also angle of rest) (the angle that the plane of contact between two bodies makes with the horizontal when the upper body is just on the point of sliding) विश्राम कोन २ (the angle whose tangent is the coefficient of friction between two bodies) घर्षण कोन
परिक्रमण कोन
घूर्णन कोन
सपर्ण कोन
(also angle of twist) Mech. मोटन कोन
पूर्ण परावर्तन कोन
angle of torsion
(as, the variation in the direction of motion particles after passing through a certain thickness of matter) कोन विचरण
(named after the Swedish physicist, A. J. Angstrom— the unit employed for expressing the wavelengths of light, ultra-violet radiations and X-rays) अँगस्ट्रॉम एकक (सं. A किंवा A.U.)
adj. कोनीय
कोनीय त्वरण, कोनीय त्वरण
कोनीय विचलन
कोनीय विस्थापन, कोनीय विस्थापन
कोनीय गति, कोनीय गति
कोनीय वियोजन
कोनीय वेग
n. Elec. etc. (in an electrolyte, the ion which carries the negative charge and which migrates towards the anode under the influence of an applied potential difference — opposed to cation) अॅनायन (पु.)
adj. (also anisotropous or aeolotropic) (exhibiting properties as, velocity of light transmission, conductivity of heat or electricity, compressibility, with different values when measured along axes in different directions) विषमदैशिक, विषमदिक
n. विषमदैशिकता (स्त्री.)
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