amateur band
(one of the bands of frequencies used by radio amateurs for communication) अव्यवसायी पट्ट
(one of the bands of frequencies used by radio amateurs for communication) अव्यवसायी पट्ट
n. Min. अॅम्बर (न.)
n. (also amperemeter) Elec. (an instrument for measuring Electric current in amperes) अॅम्पिअरमापी (पु.), अॅमीटर (पु.)
Elec. Eng. अॅमीटर पार्श्वपथ
adj. १ (without real or apparent crystalline from; without crystal structure— as opposed to crystalline) अस्फटिकी, अस्फटिक– २ (having no determined from) अनियतरूप ३ (shapeless formless) अनाकृति–
अस्फटिक पदार्थ
Elec. Eng. (abbr. or ampere) ॲम्प
n. Elec. Eng. (the strEngth of Electric current expressed in amperes) अॅम्पिअरता (स्त्री.)
n. Elec. Eng. (abbr. A or a or amp) (after French physicist Ampere—a unit of intensity of Electric current) अॅम्पिअर (पु.)
Elec. Eng. ॲम्पिअरचा सिद्धांत
Elec. Eng. (a simple rule for remembering the direction of a magnetic field due to a current) ॲम्पिअरचा नियम
Elec. Eng. (a theory based on the assumption that the magnetic property of a magnet is due to current circulating in the molecules of the magnet) ॲम्पिअरचा चुंबकन सिद्धांत
n. Elec. Eng. अॅम्पिअर तुला (स्त्री.)
n. pl (also amperewires) Elec. Eng. अॅम्पिअर वाहके (पु.अ.व.)
n. Elec. Eng. (a practical unit of quantity of Electricity) अॅम्पिअर तास (पु.)
Elec. Eng. अम्पिअर तास क्षमता
Elec. Eng. अम्पिअर तास कार्यक्षमता
Elec. Eng. (a meter which records the ampere-hours flowing in a circuit) ॲम्पिअर तासमापी
n. Elec. Eng. ॲम्पिअर मिनिट (न.)
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