v.t. (to heat and then cool slowly) अनुशीतन करणे, सावकाश निववणे
n. अनुशीतन (न.), सावकाश निववणे (न.)
अनुशीतन कक्ष
v.t. १ (as to destroy totally, to reduce to nothing) नाशन करणे २ (to cause to be of no effect, nullify) परिशून्यन करणे
n. १ नाशन (न.) २ परिशून्यन (न.)
adj. (of or relating to a ring, forming a ring; shaped like a ring) वलयाकृति–, कंकणाकृति–
Astron. कंकणाकृति ग्रहण
वलयाकृति चुंबकीय पंक्तिलेखी
n. Elec. १ (the electrode at which electrons leave a device to enter the external circuit– opposed to cathode) ॲनोड (पु.) २ Thermionics (also called plate– any electrode in a thermionic tube which acts as a collector of electrons) ॲनोड (पु.)
(also anode rectification) Radio, Thermionics (rectification dependent on the curvature of the anode-current versus grid-voltage characteristic) ॲनोड नमन दिष्टकरण
ॲनोड नमन दिष्टकारी
(also plate current) Thermionics (the current flowing to the anode of a multi-electrode thermionic tube) ॲनोड धारा
Elec. Eng. (a term used in electrolysis to denote the sudden drop in current due to the formation of a film of gas on the surface of the anode) ॲनोड परिणाम
ॲनोड भरण
ॲनोड निविष्टि शक्ति
ॲनोड भार
Radio (also plate modulation) ॲनोड आपरिवर्तन
ॲनोड आपरिवर्तित्र
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