thermochemical constant
ऊष्मा रासायनिक स्थिरांक
ऊष्मा रासायनिक स्थिरांक
n. (a branch of chemistry that deals with relations existing between heat and chemical reaction or physical changes of state) ऊष्मा रासायनिकी (स्त्री.)
n. Elec. Eng. (as, a device consisting of two metals, one of whose junctions is kept at a fixed temperature) तापयुग्म (न.)
Elec. Eng. तापयुग्म उपकरण
Elec. Eng. (as, combination of a thermocouple and a sensitive millivoltmeter) तापयुग्म मीटर
adj. (of or relating to thermodynamics; caused or operated by force due to the application of heat) ऊष्मागतिक
ऊष्मागतिक अवस्था समीकरणे
Chem. ऊष्मागतिक विभव
ऊष्मागतिक संभवनीयता, ऊष्मागतिक संभव
(an aggregation of atoms, molecules, colloidal particles, or larger bodies that constitute an isolated group) ऊष्मागतिक संहति
adv. ऊष्मागतिकतः
ऊष्मागतिकतः प्रतिक्रमी
n. (a branch of physics that deals with the mechanical action or relations of heat) ऊष्मागतिकी (स्त्री.)
thermoelectromotive force
n. ताप परिणाम (पु.)
adj. तापप्रत्यास्थ
तापप्रत्यास्थ गुणांक
adj. (of or relating to a class of phenomena involving relations between the temperature and the electrical condition in a metal or in contacting metals) तापविद्युत-
तापविद्युत वाहकता
तापविद्युत स्थिरांक
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