n. Nucleonics तापीयन (न.)
n. Nucleonics तापीयन (न.)
v.t. (to change the effective speed as of a particle to a thermal value) तापीयन करणे
adj. तापीयित
adv. १ (in a thermal manner; by means of heat) औष्णिक दृष्ट्या, औष्णिकरीत्या २ तापीय दृष्ट्या, ताप-
तापसंवेदी रोधित्र
adj. (of or relating to heat; due to heat) औष्मिक
औष्मिक अक्ष
adv. औष्मिक दृष्ट्या, औष्मिक रीत्या
n. (as, a charged particle, either negative or positive, emitted by a body in a process of thermionic emission) तापआयन (पु.), थर्मिऑन (पु.)
adj. (of, relating to, or characteristic of thermions) तापआयनिक
तापायनिक कॅथोड, तापआयनिक कॅथोड
(also space current) Thermionics (as, the current represented by the electrons leaving a heated cathode and flowing to other electrodes) तापआयनिक धारा
Thermionics (emission of particles as electrons from materials at high temperatures due to heat energy imparted to them) तापआयनिक उत्सर्जन
(also called thermionic vacuum tube or thermionic valve) Thermionics (an electron tube in which electron emission is produced by the heating of an electrode) तापआयनिक नलिका
(also called thermionic tube or thermionic valve) तापआयनिक नलिका (तापआयनिक निर्वात नलिका)
Thermionics तापआयनिक व्हाल्व
ऋण रोध, ऋणात्मक रोध, n. (as, a branch of physics dealing with thermionic phenomena and devices) तापआयनिकी (स्त्री.)
n. (short for thermal resistor) थर्मिस्टर (न.)
pfx. (also therm-) (in comb.) १ (w. r. t. heat) ऊष्मा- २ (w. r. t. temperature) ताप-
adj. ऊष्मा रासायनिक
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