post-office resistance box
पोस्ट ऑफिस रोध पेटी
पोस्ट ऑफिस रोध पेटी
n. आधारतत्व (न.) cf. principle v.t. (to demand, put forward, take for granted, as a necessary fact, as a basis of reasoning) आधारतत्त्व म्हणून मांडणे, आधारतत्व म्हणून मानणे
n. पात्र (न.), भांडे (न.)
adj. पिण्यास योग्य, पेय
n. १ (any of various functions from which the intensity or the velocity at any point in a field may be calculated) विभव (पु.)२ (specif. as, electrie potential) विभव (पु.) adj.विभव- accelerating potential त्वरणी विभव contact potential संपर्क विभव gravitational potential गुरुत्वीय विभव retarded potential मंदित विभव
(a region in which particles, as alpha particles, thermions, or photoelectrons are decelerated or stopped by a repulsive force) विभव प्राचीर
(short P.D. or PD) Elec. (the difference in electric potential between two points that represents the work involved or the energy released in the transfer of a unit quantity of electricity from one point to the other) विभवांतर (न.)(वि.अ.)
Elec. & Magn. विभव पात
विभव इलेक्ट्रोड
स्थितिज ऊर्जा, (as, the energy possessed by a body in virtue of its position)स्थितिज ऊर्जा
विभव प्रवणता, Elec., Elec. Eng. विभव प्रवणता
विभव खळगा
विभव विकिरण
Heat विभव तापमान
विभव अग्र
Elec. Eng. विभव परिवर्तित्र
विभव सदिश
Nucleonics विभव कूप
n. Elec. Eng. (as, an instrument used for measurement or comparison of small potential differences or electromotive forces) विभवमापी (पु.)
adj. विभवमितीय
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