adj. चालन—
adj. चालन—
(also Stefan’s law) (after Josef Stefan, Austrian physicist, its formulator, & Ludwig Boltzmann, Austrian physicist who first demonstrated it- a statement in thermal radiation) श्टेफॅन बोल्ट्स्मन नियम
adj. (of relating to or, derived from the stars) तारकीय, तारका—
Astron. तारकीय व्यतिकरणमापी
तारका चुंबकीय क्षेत्र
adj. (resembling a star as in shape; pointed, or formed, or radiated like a star) ताराकृति—, ताराकार
n. (as, of a hydrometer, thermometer, etc.) स्तंभ (पु.), दंड (पु.), दांडी (स्त्री.)
n. १ पद (न.) २ क्रम (पु.) ३ सोपान (पु.) (as in : step function सोपान फल)
v .t. Elec. (as, to lower the voltage of a current by means of a transformer) अवपरिवर्तित करणे
v.t. Elec (to increase the voltage of a current by means of a transformer) उत्परिवर्तित करणे
Elec. Eng. अवपरिवर्तित्र (न.)
n. रोहण (न.)
अवरोहण (न.)
आरोहण (न.)
Elec. Eng. उत्परिवर्तित्र (न.)
n. (also sterad) Math. (as, the unit of solid angular measure) स्टिरेडिअन (न.)
n. (the radiant flux from a surface per steradian of solid angle in a specified direction per unit area of cross-section of the emission perpendicular to that direction) प्रारण उत्सर्जकता (स्त्री.)
(in comb.) (having or dealing with three dimensions of place) त्रिमितीय, त्रिमिति—
n. त्रिमितिचित्र (न.)
n. त्रिमितिलेख (पु.)
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