adj. १ (as, lacking firmness or strength; weak not hard—as opposed to hard) मृदु २ (of water and water solution—characterised by the practical absence of substances that prevent the formation of lather with soap) सुफेन (as in : soft water सुफेन जल) ३ (of radiation—having relatively low penetrating power) दुर्भेदक, अल्पभेदक (as in : soft radiation अल्पभेदक प्रारण) ४ (of glass—capable of being annealed at a relatively low temperature) सुगलनीय (an in : soft glass सुगलनीय काच) ५ photog. अल्पउठाव (as in : soft negative अल्पउठाव व्यस्तनित्र) ६ (commonly) मऊ, सौम्य, कमकुवत