n. विलग्नन (न.) cf. decomposition
n. विलग्नन (न.) cf. decomposition
adj. विलग्रकारी
भूकंप क्षेत्र
adj. (also seismical) (of, subject to, or caused by an earthquake or an earth vibration produdced artificially as by an explosion in geophysical prospecting) भूकंपी, भूकंप—
भूकंप संसूचक
भूकंप तीव्रता
भूकंप तरंग
n. (as, the relative frequency and distribution of earthquakes) भूकंपता (स्त्री.)
adj. भूकंप दृष्ट्या
n. (the record of an earth tremor made by a seismograph) भूकंप लेख (पु.)
n. (an instrument by means of which earthquake shocks and concussions are registered) भूकंपलेखी (पु.)
n. १ (the art of registering the shocks and undulatory movements of earthquakes) भूकंपलेखन (न.) २ (as, seismology) भूकंपशास्त्र (न.)
n. (a science. that deals with earthquakes and attendant phenomena) भूकंपशास्त्र (न.)
n. भूकंपमापी (पु.)
n. (as, the scientific study of earthquake phenomena esp. by means of a seismometer) भूकंपमिति (स्त्री.)
v.t. निवड करणे, निवडणे, वरण करणे adj. निवडक, निवड—
adj. निवडक
n. निवड (स्त्री.), वरण (न.)
वरण गुणोत्तर
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