Russell’s paradox
रसेलचा विरोधाभास
रसेलचा विरोधाभास
n.(after Baron Ernest Rutherford, Brit.physicist – unit of radioactivity) रुदरफर्ड (न.)
(after Baron Ernest Rutherford –as the atom consisting of a small dense positively – charged nucleus surrounded by planetary electrons) रुदरफर्ड अणु
रुदरफर्ड विकिरण
n.(after Johannes R. Rydbreg, Swedish physicist-as, the Rydbreg constant esp.when expressed in energy terms) रिडबर्ग (न.)
रिडबर्ग स्थिरांक
n. Acous. (after Wallace C. W. Sabine, Am.physicist –as, a unit of acoustic absorption) सेबिन (न.) सॅबिन (न.)
(also saccharo-) (in comb.-sugar) शर्करा—
n. Chem. (as, a special type of polarimeter, adapted for use with white light; used in sugar analysis) शर्करामापी (पु.)
ad.j शर्करामितीय
n. chem. शर्करामिति (स्त्री.)
sacchari –
n. Chem. (as, a hydrometer which is used to determine the concentration of suger in a solution) शर्करा संहतिमापी (पु.)
n. पल्याण (न.)
Math. पल्याण बिंदु
adj. सुरक्षित, बिनधोक
adj. शुरक्षितपणे
n. Eng., etc. सुरक्षा झडप (स्त्री.), सुरक्षा व्हाल्व (पु.)
n. सुरक्षा (स्त्री.)
factor of safety
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