reactive current
Elec. Eng. प्रतिरोधी धारा
Elec. Eng. प्रतिरोधी धारा
Elec. Eng. प्रतिरोधी गुणक
Elec. Eng. प्रतिरोधी भार
(also called reactive yoltamperes) Elec. Eng. प्रतिरोधी शक्ति
(also called reactive power) Elec. Eng. प्रतिरोधी व्होल्ट ॲम्पीअर (पु.अ.व.)
n.(the quality or state of being reactive; the rate of nuclear disintegration in a reactor) अभिक्रियाशीलता (स्त्री.)
n. १ क्रियाधानी (स्त्री.) (as in : boiling-water reactor उत्काली जल क्रियाधानी) २ (an apparatus in which a chain reaction of fissionable material is initiated and controlled-also called atomic furnace, atomic pile nuclear reactor, pile) न्यूक्लीय क्रियाधानी (स्त्री.), (commonly) अणुभट्टी (स्त्री.)
v.t. १ वाचन करणे, वाचणे २ Computers (as to sense the meaning as of information in recorded and coded form as in a storage; to acquire information usu. from some from of storage) वाचन करणे
n. १ वाचन (न.) २ वाचनांक (पु.) (as in : pilot reading पथदर्शी वाचनांक)
(as, a large magnifying lens) वाचन भिंग
v.t. पुनरनुयोजन करणे, पुन्हा अनुयोजन करणे
adj. पुनरनुयोज्य
adj पुनरनुयोजित
n. पुनरनुयोजन (न.)
सिद्ध गणक
n. Chem. अभिक्रियाकारक (पु.)
अभिक्रियाकारक बाटली
adj. वास्तव, वास्तविक
वास्तव अक्ष
वास्तविक प्रसरण
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