n. (as, the study of metals and alloys by X – rays; the determination of their structures by X – rays) किरण धातु आलेखन (न.)
n. (as, the study of metals and alloys by X – rays; the determination of their structures by X – rays) किरण धातु आलेखन (न.)
n. (an instrument for detecting and measuring the intensity of electromagnetic or acoustic radiation) प्रारणमापी (पु.)
प्रारणदाब परिणाम
प्रारण प्रमापी, प्रारण प्रमापी
adj. प्रारणमितीय
Astron. (of a star) प्रारणमितीय प्रत
adv. प्रारणमितीय दृष्ट्या
n. १ (as, the measurement of radiation) प्रारणमिति (स्त्री) २ (as, the use of radiometer) प्रारणमापी उपयोजन (न.)
n. प्रारण सूक्ष्ममापी (पु.)
n. (a radioactive nuclide) किरणोत्सारी न्यूक्लाइड (पु.), किरणोत्सारी केंद्रकाभ (पु.)
n. (the quality or state of being radiopaque) प्रारणअपार्यता (स्त्री.)
adj. (being opaque to X – rays or other forms of radiation – contrasted with radiolucent) प्रारणअपार्य
n. (a radiotelegraphic station used for determining the position of ships) रेडिओ दीपस्तंभ (पु.)
n. (also radiophotograph) रेडिओफोटो (पु.)
adj. (sensitive to the effects of radiant energy) प्रारण संवेदी
n. प्रारण संवेदिता (स्त्री.)
n. रेडिओ दूरलेखी (पु.)
adj. (of, relating to, or transmitted by means of radiotelegraphy) रेडिओ दूरलेखनी, रेडिओ दूरलेखन-
n. रेडिओ दूरलेखन (न.)
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