passive network
Elec. Comm. क्रियाशून्य जालव्यूह
Elec. Comm. क्रियाशून्य जालव्यूह
(an artificial satellite without instruments; esp. one that simply reflects radio signals back to earth) क्रियाशून्य उपग्रह
n. Met. क्रियाशून्यता (स्त्री.)
n. लेप (पु.), पेस्ट (स्त्री.) v.t. चिकटवणे
n. (after Louis Pasteur, Fr. chemist and bacteriologist— a method devised by Pasteur to check fermentation as in milk involving partial sterilisation of a substance…..etc) पाश्चरण (न.)
v.t. पाश्चरण करणे
adj. पाश्चरित
n. १ (as, an apparatus) पाश्चरणी (स्त्री.) २ (as, a worker who does pasteurisation) पाश्चरक (सा.)
n. १ ठिगळ (न.) २ तुकडा (पु.), पट्टा (पु.)
n. पथ (पु.), मार्ग (पु.) (as in: path of a ray किरणाचा मार्ग)
n. १ (as, an artistic or mechanical design or form; as, a specimen offered as a sample of a whole; something serving as a model) प्रतिरूप (न.) cf. model २ (something designed or used as a model for making things) आकृतिबंध (पु.)
आकृतिबंध क्रमवीक्षण
n. बंधकाम (न.)
n. बंधशाळा (स्त्री.)
(also Pauli principle) Nucleonics (after Wolfgang Pauli, Swiss physicist— a principle that no two electrons in an atom or molecule can exist simultaneously in states defined by the same set of quantum numbers—also called exclusion principle) पॉली अपवर्जन तत्त्व (अपवर्जन तत्त्व)
Pauli exclusion principle
n. (the load that is carried by a rocket or space vehicle and consists of things as passengers or instruments that relate directly to the purpose of flight as opposed to things as fuel that are necessary for operation) लाभभार (पु.), अभिभार (पु.)
n. १ शिखर (न.) २ चरमसीमा (स्त्री.) adj. तीव्रतम, अधिकतम
amplitude factor
शिखर ते शिखर व्होल्टतामापी
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