sterling balance
स्टर्लिंग शिल्लक
स्टर्लिंग शिल्लक
sterling area
स्टर्लिंग अरिष्ट
मृत जन्म
adj. मृतजात
v.t. उत्तेजित करणे
n. उत्तेजन (न.)
n. वृत्तिवेतन (न.)
v.t. अट घालणे, करारनिविष्ट करणे
adj. करारनिविष्ट
करारनिविष्ट अवधि
adj. प्रसंभाव्य
प्रसंभाव्य प्रतिमान
प्रसंभाविक प्रक्रिया
n. (as, a term covering all types of shares) शेअर (पु.), भाग (पु.), (the debt or fund due from a government or a private company or corporation to individuals for money loaned at interest and not divided into shares but instead being divisible and transferable in any amount desired not involving divisions smaller than a specified
संग्रह लेखा, Book-keeping (a ledger account with the credit side showing the original capital and additions and the debit side showing the withdrawals and losses) निधि लेखा
साठा विश्लेषण
साठा आणि प्रवाह
रोखे आणि भाग
stock ledger
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