स्वायत्त संस्था
Autonomous institutions
Autonomous institutions
Reminder may be sent
Settled table
Compensatory local allowance
Sterling draft
Dismissed from service
Notice of discharge
Index-cum-movement card
Undermine the security
Betterment charges
Auxiliary and Indian Territorial Force
Whole time work
Common seal
Equipment allowance
Sea borne trade
Brief note is placed below
Submitted for favour of sympathetic consideration
Detailed report
Amicable settlement
General circular
Average pay calculation
At public expense
Joint interest
Appropriate Government
Equally entitled
Time scale
Minutes of meetings
The letter in question is enclosed
Immediate control
Repugnant to the context
Secretariat service
Will be severely viewed
Arbitrary action
Autonomous body
Explanatory note
Fixed assets
Local usage
Sterling overseas pay
Suspended from service
Discharged Government employees
As suggested
Safe deposit vault
By no means
Out-fit allowance
Fixation of rent
General tendency
Weekly progress
Maritime shipping and navigation
Summary investigation
For sympathetic consideration
In detail
Take the salute
General correspondence
Average pay statement
Credited into treasury
Joint cadre
Composition of the committee
Even distribution
Time scale of pay
Proceeding of meeting to be deemed
Relevant papers be put up
For the present
Unless the context otherwise requires
Accumulated surplus
Conventional rights
Voluntary service
Funds at disposal
Clarification sought
Aggravate the situation
Local fund works
Extenuating circumstances
Removal from service
Resettlement in Government service of discharged employees
Intimation memo
Strong room
Spare parts
Cultural delegation
Abatement of rent
In ordinary course
Collateral evidence
Maritime territory
Summary procedure
Sympathetic consideration
Constitutional reform
Affiliation fee
In general
Average rate of exchange
Official documents
Joint personal security
Approved as per remarks in the margin
Common intention
At par
Business of Meeting
Relevant papers; connected papers
In an existing vacancy
Memo under reference
Articles of association
On the face of it
Voluntary statement
At one’s disposal
Demand an explanation
As the case may be
Local purchase
As a metter of comity
Dispense with services
Record of service
As per instructions
In the safe custody
Holiday allowance
Statutory authority
Substantially identical
According to normal rules
Financially strong
Statistical analysis
Competent authority
Enclosures as follows
Constitutional objection
Attached office
General register
On an average
Official documents
Joint property
Marginally noted items should not
Satisfactory proof
Par value
Preside at the meeting
Linked file
Equality of opportunity
In the letter under reference-
Package programme
Narrow mentality
Exercise due discretion
Self-explanatory note
Explanation be called for
Immovable property
Applications for situations in the gift of local or controlling authorities
Easy terms
Break in service
Method of recruitment
Without being informed
Security measure s
Off print
Statutory basis
Cycle advance
Ordinary repairs
Bill on simple receipt
Statistical return
Verification of signatures
Free access
Conditions of contract
Top most priority
Common to all
Habitual offender
False collateral evidence
Joint liability
Marginally noted
Satisfactory account
Absent in spite of service of summons
Potential danger
Conservancy charges
Bonafide act
Letter under reference
Organisational expenses
Miscellaneous appropriation, deterioration and waste
Discretionary power
Self-governing colony
Account for-
Local loan works
As soon as conveniently may be
Reinstate in service
Necessary entries may kindly be made in service book
Instructions are awaited
Sound proposal
Final date of release
Caution notice
Compound a case
As is ordinarily provided
Simple imprisonment
Statistical abstract
Put up for signature
Register a society
Non-fulfilment of contract
Common to all
All concerned to note
Direct recruitment
Government servant had adduced
Joint conference
Post of absorption
Command pay
Service of summons
Probable expenditure
Sectional holiday
Acting in good faith
Under reference
Out of stock
Miscellaneous demands
Discretionary fund
Self-contained draft
Express acceptance
Permanent headquarter
Officiating service
Continuance of facilities
Condonation of break of service
Service book
For suggestions
Deserving cases
Easy access
Be cautions
Compound offence
In general; in ordinary course
Moderate ability
Statistical data
For signature
Preservative treatment
Extension of contract
All rights reserved
Rule of general application
Direct recruit
In the interest of public servants
Jointly and severally
Shall be inserted
Collimation error
C0-ordination committee
Contingent use
Week ending report
In good faith
Prompt delivery
Half yearly balance return of stock
Miscellaneous matters
Discretionary grants
Self-contained proposal
Save as expressly provided
Substantive appointment to a permanent post
Officiating pay
Copy of document is enclosed herewith
Interruptions of service
Retirement from service
In order
So as to ensure
Customer duty
Be cautions
Group application
Normal expenditure
Pros and cons
Circulate the precis
Obtain signature
Rigorous imprisonment
Breach of contract
Rank and file
All claims shall be supported by the
Flat rate
Reversion vis-à-vis reduction of
Joint appointment
Shall be deemed to be included
Personal interview
Equitable distribution
Hold a meeting
Weekend ticket
Defective plan
For prompt action
Excess in stock taking
Proposed tour programme
Voluntary statement
On personal contact
Explicitly told, Expressly made known
Non-permanent quota
Officiating appointment
Appended letter may issue
Conditions of service
Preparatory to retirement
Breach of order
As revised ; as amended
Border customs post
Precautionary measures
Collective farming
Ordinary course
I have the honour to state that, It is submitted that
Brief explanatory note
Under the hand
Conditional acceptance
Grace period
General cadre
Free from all encumbrances
Structural alterations
Character and antecedents of Government servant
Joint liability
Summing up
Please speak
Balanced development
Controlling of meeting
To the best of knowledge and belief
Faulty action
Take prompt steps
Posting of bills in stock ledger
Compilation sorting
Acceptance resolution
Be alive to one’s responsibility
Clearly unjust
Certification of standing orders
Transfer allowance
Attached herewith
Service verification, Verification of service
Retired officer
Order in restored
Improved draft
Trans-frontier trade
Universal demand
Collective responsible
Usual action
Beg to state
Suggestion in brief
Obtain signature
Conditional reservation
Concessional period
General meeting
Top priority
Government promissory Note
Official and non-official
Joint responsibility
Ceremonial parade
Solution of problem
Memorandum of agreement
Sense of the House
As a whole
Transmission of messages
True statement
Transitory provisions
Emergency commission
Documents against acceptance
Having satisfied myself
Specific denial
Standing orders file
Transfer travelling allowance advance
Herewith enclosed
Service conditions
According to the length of service
Legible handwriting
Revised estimates
Camp site of border patrols
In the public interest
Collective responsibility
General trend
I have the honour to inform you
Short caption title
With or without
Dispel doubt
Constitution of cadre
Ordinary leave rules
All region schemes
Money credited to public accounts
Government subsidy
Joint work or undertaking
Intimation of adjustment
Even number
Agreements and covenants
Lay on the table of the House
In whole or in part
Analogous case
Abuse of power
Transitional period
Co-opted member
Affix one’s signature
Appointment by competitive examination
Permanent advance
Transfer order
Appended letter may issue
History of service
Without service element
Easy access
Corrected copy
Terminal tax
On public grounds
Common cadre
Ordinary retrenchment
Cases pending submission
Abstract statement
Relief and rehabilitation
Benefit of doubt
Ex-cadre post
Regular leave
Strictly relevant
Government land
Liable to be confiscated
Policy on the joint lives
Notice of termination
Concurrent jurisdiction
Agreement bond
After hearing the person concerned Below.....Department papers bearing file No....regarding-
in toto
Promote goodwill and cordiality
Party in power
Compulsory education
Bound to accept
Appear in person
Competitive examination
Within the local limits
Order of detention
Red letter day
Division and integration of service
Length of service
Soft currency
Revised agenda
In theory
Dislocation in the public transport system
Ordinary meeting
General trend
Submission and disposal
Abbreviated address
There is no reason to suspect
Cadre post
Notified for general information
By all means
For public purpose
Confiscated amount
Expiry reminder
Late inspection fee
Deliberately done
Person concerned
Targets achieved
Habitually negligent
Continuous and concurrent audit
Compulsory retirement
Signed, sealed and delivered
Clean copy, Fair copy
Competitive price
Local audit
Deferred wages
Dispense with
Debarred from service
Needs close supervision
Proposed to be introduced
Amended draft, Improved draft
Burden of proof, Onus of proof
In public
Ordinary course
Cartage of kit
Forwarded with compliments
Abstract bill
Half yearly register of stock
No reason to doubt
Year book
General provident Fund
Circulate to the staff and file
Official mourning
Declared policy of Government
Community hygiene
Completion certificate
Time table
Even number
File in question is placed below
Amount of leave exhausted
Application for membership
Festival holidays
Compulsory waiting
Subscribed by-
In memorium
Broadly speaking
Local assets
Deferred payment
Please take delivery
Extension of service
Exempted person
In the first instance
Betterment levy
Proved charged
For public purpose
Common law
Luggage rate schedule
Pending work
Summary trial
Six monthly expenditure statement
In case of doubt
Advice should be sought
Assignment of policy to General
Free access
Service stamps
Rational doubt
Overseas scholarship
Terminable lease
Lower stage in time scale
Venue of meeting
Connected file
Roll of honour
Memo under reference
Road mileage
Shall not be compelled
Certificate of fitness, Fitness certificate
Fair letter
Broad outline
Local authority
Adjournment motion
Theoretical problem
Employment return
Index card
At the initial stage ; at an early stage
Remedial defects
Summoning witness
Dislocation in the public transport system
General state service
To the best of ability
Will you please state ?
Short title
Half yearly
Detailed head
Advisory service
General purpose
Leave on average pay
Service telegram
Raison dietre
Supplies from overseas
Common interest
Below the minimum of the time scale
To be good and valid
For filing with the case concerned
Honorific title
Referred to-
Secretariat standing orders
Enforce compulsion
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