Jus possessionis
(right of possession) धारणाधिकार (पु.)
(right of possession) धारणाधिकार (पु.)
(right of property distinguished from jus possessionis) स्वामित्वाधिकार (पु.)
(the public law, including in Roman Law the criminal and sacred law) लोकाधिकार (पु.)
(written law) लिखित विधि (पु.)
१ न्याय cf. Fair २ न्यायी, adv. इतक्यात, नुकतेच
न्याय कारण (न.)
न्याय भरपाई (स्त्री.)
१ न्याय (पु.) २ न्यायमूर्ति (सा.)
सुधार न्याय
आदर्श न्याय
जस्टिस आँफ दि पीस (जे.पी.)
(liable to trial in a court of justice) न्यायचौकशी
(a judge) न्यायाधीश (सा.)
१ समर्थन (न.) २ Law (the showing in the court of a sufficient lawful reason way a party charged or accused did that for which he is called to answer) कायदेशीर समर्थन (न.)
१ समर्थन करणे २ Law (to show to have had a sufficient legal reason for an act, made subject of a charge or accusation) कायदेशीर समर्थन करणे ३ (to pronounce free from guilt or blame) निर्दोषी ठरवणे ४ Print.समकरण करणे ५ (as, a procedure) उचित ठरवणे
(the quality or state of being just) न्याय्यता (स्त्री.)
वर येणे, फुटणे, अंकुरणे
ताग (पु.), सण (पु.)
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