
v.t. 1. (to keep up) बाळगणे, ठेवणे, 2. (to support by nourishment expenditure to) सांभाळणे, 3. (to keep road etc. in good repair or good state) सुस्थितीत ठेवणे, देखभाल करणे 4. राखणे (as in: to maintain law and order कायदा व सुव्यवस्था राखणे), 5. (to carry on, to conduct) चालवणे, 6. (to furnish oneself with means of subsistence) निर्वाह करणे, चरितार्थ चालवणे, योगक्षेम चालवणे, 7. (to assert as true, as opinion, statement) ठामपणे मांडणे