
n. (sing & pl. series) १ (as, a set of things in line or in succession, or so thought of; a group of usu. three or more thing or events standing or succeeding in order and having a like relationship to each other) श्रेणी (स्त्री.) २ Chem. (as, a group of chemical compounds related in composition and structure; as a period or part of a period in periodic table) श्रेणी (स्त्री.) ३ Nucleonics (as, radioactive series) किरणोत्सारी श्रेणी (स्त्री.) ४ Geol. (succession of sedimentary or igneous rocks either continuously deposited or related in the history of their accumulation, etc.) माला (स्त्री.) ५ Math. श्रेणी (स्त्री.) cf. sequence ६ Elec. (an arrangement of the parts of or elements in an electric circuit whereby the whole current passes through each part or element without dividing or branching—contrasted with parallel) एकसरी (मांडणी, घट वगैरे) adj. Elec. (having its parts arranged or connected in series) एकसरी (in series एकसारी)