प्रारंभिक अहवाल
Preliminary report
Preliminary report
In representative capacity
It has been proposed
Administrative approval
No admission, No entry
Pending work
Please quote authority
Passed for payment
Based on actuals
Waiting charges
Preventive measures
Disposal of cases be expedited
Case is closed now
Please acknowledge receipt
Please put up precedent
Retrospective effect
Maternity leave on full pay
Area of supply
Carry forward
Analysis and valuation of the crops
Carry through
Order of preference
Medium of examination/instruction
Work out cost
File of circulars
Deputation to foreign service
Back in possession
During the term of office
Hold and office
Quinquennial report
Adult education
Ab initio void
Prevention of cruelty to animals
Approve of the proposal
Administrative control
Renewal of visa
Carry out the purposes
Standard rent
Advice of payment
Direct approach
Make an affidavit
Deputation period
Cases should be dealt with promptly
Case adjourned
Issue by registered post acknowledgement due
Aforesaid circumstances
Without previous approval
Carte blanche
Book adjustment slip
Continuity of supply
Total brought forward
Fortnightly report
Cancellation of passport
Provision of alternative arrangement
Result of examination
Probationer officer
Attention is invited to circular No. ................. dated................
Foreign service
Negotiable receipt
Tenure of office, Term of office
Incumbent of the post, Holder of a post, Incumbent of an office
Leave with pay
For personal after issue
Ab initio
Estimated cost
Justification for the proposal
Administrative lapse
Allow to enter
Defeat the purpose
Standard form
Refund of payment order
Practical training
File an affidavit
Deputation allowance
Matter is under consideration
Open the case
Acknowledgement due
Under para-ibid
Prior approval
For doing complete justice
Book adjustment
Cutting of supply
Bring forward
Fortnightly verification
Condition of eligibility
Alternative draft
Audited statement of accounts
On probation
Scrutiny and checking
Seek permission
Public holidays under the Negotiable Instruments Act
Classification of posts
Joining report
Confirmed report
For issue
Experimental measurers
Estimated receipts
Withdrawal of motion
Administrative unit
Issue of traveller’s cheques
Take over on experimental basis
Specified in the certificate
Mode of payment
Actual travelling expenses
Solemn affirmation
Revive the case
Item by item
Approval to byelaws
Acknowledgement card
Aforesaid rule
Previous sanction
Perfectly in order
Book value
Onward despatch/transmission
Not payable before the 1st of the next month
Fortnightly report
Certificate of eligibility
Please put up alternative proposals
Examination Fee
Probationary period
Consequently it has been decided that-
Admission with permission
Negotiable instrument
Upgrading of posts
Joining date
Final bill
Certificate of posting
Fatal accident
Estimated expenditure
Maternity benefit
Efficiency of administration
Point of commencement and end of journey
Experimental basis
Duplicate certificate
Payment order
Concrete cases
Obtain declaration
In representative capacity
Put up with connected case papers
Matter is under consideration
Adoption of byelaws
Order for the payment of money
As aforesaid
Antedated cheque
Fully paid up
In confirmation
Issue as redrafted
Await further comments
Seen and passed on to---------- Department
Water rates
Please send alternative proposals
Give a trial to
Probation officer
With the result that
Registration of foreigners
Systematic work
Oath of office
Joining time
Hard and fast rules
Office of issue
Bills receivable and payable
Estimated out-turn
Maternity leave
Administrative agencies
Purpose of journey
Is ready to experiment
Certificate be amended
Tendered vote
Actual cost
Validity of declaration
Remarks of adverse nature
As the circumstances of the case may require
Case file
Maintenance suit
Order for the payment of money
As before
Please put up precedent
Grant of full pension
At a late stage
Re-examined and found correct
As follows
For perusal and return
Catchment area
Alternative method
Examining authority
Transport charges
Cease to have effect
Treaties agreements and conventions with foreign countries
Lay down a manner
Equivalence of posts
Text of the correspondence
Dear madam
May be obtained
Excess over the estimate
In question
In the interest of administrative convenience
Travelling concession
Strive one’s best
Standard register
First aid
Actually employed
Countersigned contingencies
Adverse remark
Case is to be reviewed
During the pendency of the case
Maintenance charges
In proof of the payment
Corresponding post in the former State
Verification of antecedents
Passed on fully vouched bills
Adequate representation
It may be added that-
Await further report
Seen and returned
Award of stipend
Appointments provided during the currency of the alternative employment scheme
Under the stress of circumstances
Enlarged jurisdiction
Letter of introduction
Absolute visual acuity
Condition precedent to promotion
Requisition for advertising a post
Channel of correspondence
Dear sir
Authorised expenditure
Abstract of estimate
Draw up a paper, Setting of question paper
Administrative machinery
Demurrage charges for detention and stoppages en route
Standardised rate
Standard form
First information report
Physical check
Cross reference
Adversely affected
Review of case
Case sheet and history sheet
Withdrawal form
Past and current prices
Open mind
Wholly or partly
Sufficient cause
Reappropriation statement
Following paragraph
Seen, file
Deficiency in remittances
Alternative lands
Appreciate a situation quickly and accurately
Commuted leave
Basis of calculations
Absolutely necessary
Promoting authority
Resignation of post
Correspondence should inavariably be routed through the usual channel
Incorporated in the draft
Absence of authority
Provocative and inconsiderate conduct
Question be now put up
Administration bond
Surcharge on fare
Panel of certified auditors
Incorporation of vouchers
Prima-facie case exists
Direct expenditure
In a dignified manner
Adverse effect
Having regard to the merits of the case
Case register
Defalcation of money/stores
Trace out the previous papers and put up
Unbiased opinion
Assume plenary responsibility
After adequate consideration
Area comprised in the pre-reorganisation State
Without any further reference
Seen, thanks
Under issue
Exercise option
Aggravate the situation
Maintenance charges
Assess to the best of one’s judgement
Traditional practice
Reservation of posts
Prefer a belated claim to the post
Please refer to letter No................…
Drafting capacity and general efficiency
Authority note
For particular purpose in question
Deputation on training
Administration report
Classification into grades for purpose of travelling allowance
Certified auditor
Shall take effect
Prima-facie eligible
Directly or indirectly
Tantamount to contradiction
Quality control
Merits of the case
Register a case
Delivery register
Misappropriation of money
Status quo ante
Biased opinion
Guarantee given in all solemnity
Adequate data
Fixation of pay on re-employment
For further action
Seen, file with previous papers
Main case which is under issue
Give an option
Circumstantial evidence
Maintenance and repairs
To the best of judgement
Foreign Government
Recruitment to posts
Declaration of acceptance of office
Vide letter number
Opening balance
Please quote authority
Arguments advanced
Impart training
Administrative power
Advance of travelling allowance
Certified copy
Sphere of influence
Actual cost
Countervailing duty
Grant copy
Case papers
Case diary
Delivery order
Betting and gambling
Previous consent
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions
Supplementary appropriation
After adequate consideration
Recalculated retail rate
Until further orders
Receipt book
Orders issued
Adequate data
Convenor of a conference
Maintenance grant
Reciprocal help
Foreign exchange
Posts and services
Vacate office
At flag ‘X’
Initial return
Territorial waters
In question
Nature of training
Administrative function
Travelling allowance
Certified that
Strong opposition
In the first instance
Actual and probable expenditure
Capitation grant
Copy issued on-
Please prepare precis of the case
Case fixed for-
On receipt of
Endorsement put up for signature
History sheet
Foregoing provisions
Supplementary indent
For sufficient reason
Order in revision
Further orders will follow
Acquittance roll
Please arrange to send
Supervisory staff
Convene conference
Quantity and quality
Contradictory statement
But not exceeding ................… in any case
Eligibility for a post
Solvency certificate
Please submit preliminary report
Territorial integrity
Proposed outlay
Process of training
Administrative duties
Come into operation
Abnormal loss
Proforma adjustment
Bills, first and running
Waiting list
Write up
Copy ready on-
Synopsis of the case
Hush up the case
Receipted chalan
Endorsement No.
Foregoing note
Whole number
Supplementary demand
Please adduce evidence
For onward transmission
Further investigation
Court of wards
Area under irrigation
Supervision charges
Order in council
Corroborative evidence
Conflicting views
Return due on.................
Removal from office
Termination of post
Annual solvency certificate
Preliminary report
Priority marking
Approved as proposed
Training period
Meritorious work
In operation
Normal loss
Proforma accounts
Bills, first and final
Await cases
Reporting officer
Mass production
Please put up case file
How the matter stands
Approach road
Distinct subject-head
Pre audit
Absolute acceptance
Supplementary question
Interruption of supply
Onward despatch/transmission
Bring forward
For compliance
Irrigation revenue
Tourist ticket
Cost Insurance and Freight (C.I.F.) value
Completion certificate
Contradictory statement
Return journey
Lien on post
Disabled from performing the duties of the office
Verified and found correct
Opening entry
Determination of priority
Action may be taken as proposed
Administrative division
Debar from admission
Promoting authority
Requiring no proof
Major head
Mentioned against each
Keep in await
Copied by
Advanced course
Background of the case
Clothing allowance
Draft acknowledgement letter put up
Severally and jointly
Apply with retrospective effect
Retiring pension
Supplementary budget
Conditions of supply
Total carried over
Aggrieved person
Remuneration charges
Irrigation works
Admission to an examination
Bill of costs
Consummate skill
Mutual agreement
Refund applicable
Cease to hold office
Charge of office/post
Verified copy
Preliminary/Initial enquiry
Order of priority
As proposed
Administrative approval may be obtained
Admission fee
Keep pending
Standard specification
Objection to payment
Depends upon circumstances of each case
Await papers
Facsimile signature
Final date of release
Synopsis of the case
Clothing and equipment
Acknowledgement letter
For precedent please see-
With retrospective effect
Thoroughly satisfied
Supplementary grant
Prescribed scale of supply
Carried over
Aggrieved party
Technical term
First information report
Proficiency in examination
Estimate of cost
According to usage
Inter se
Loans due for repayment
Reduction in office rank
Abolition of post
May be verified
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