त्वरित विल्हेवाट
Quick disposal
Quick disposal
It has since been decided that
Oral agreement
Breaking point
At once
As a temporary measure
Hoping to be excused for the trouble
In detail
Accelerated promotion
Part thereof
Verbal statement
Acute shortage
Vexatious proceedings
Provisional order
In like manner, In the same manner
With details
Summary investigation
On or after that date
Recovery of loss
In triplicate
Matter of technical nature
Issue immediate reminder
Fallacious argument
Extraneous matter
Early reply will be appreciated
Immediately preceding
Of the like amount
It will not constitute any interruption of service
Technical sanction
Copy enclosed for ready reference
As surmised
Ad hoc Committee
Triennial report
Case may be heard and determined in his absence
Then and there
Of the like amount
Technical error
For ready reference
Floating debt
Ad hoc Board
Quarterly return
It shall be construed
Circumstances exist which render it necessary
Balance sheet
Technical defects
Forwarded for immediate compliance
In accordance with the provisions
Accordingly it has been decided
Tripartite agreement
Instantaneous action
Make good deficiency
Issue telegraphic instructions
Technical qualifications
Immediate action
Subject to the provisions
Construe accordingly
Third party
In the same manner
Shortage written off
Postal copy of the telegram in confirmation
Continuance in temporary vacancy
Urgently required
Examined and countersigned
Easements annexed thereto
In reference thereto
Vice versa
Equivalent post
Service form …................ to…................ Verified from the office copies of the pay bills and found correct
Provisional confirmation
Issue urgent reminder
Checked and found correct
Corresponding revenue head of account
For the time being in force
In the same way
Data for comparison
Telegraphic message
Temporary relief
Warning circular
Check measurements
Corresponding entry
In reference thereto
Continuance in a post
Comparative statement
Exercise due discretion
Temporary headquarters
Foot note
Checked by -
Error of principle
For the time being in force
Government Resolution of even No. and date
You are suspended from duty
Secured advance
For the present
Treaty obligations
Detailed description
On such terms and conditions as he thinks fit
Under the rules thereunder
For gross negligence on your part
Caution money
Hold a post in provisionally substantive capacity
Adjournment motion
Detailed estimate
By virtue of higher start given to him
Subject thereto
Deficit area
Transfer by pledging
Temporary appointment, Provisional appointment
In default of
Detailed evidence
Made in that behalf
Oral evidence
Deficit area
Dated signature
Tentative draft
Shall continue to be such
Detailed investigation
Please expedite compliance
He may by law determine
Verbal statement
Deficit budget
Please reply forthwith
Tentative programme
Shall have the same effect
Detailed estimate
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