adj. (also-cole) (in comb.– Living or growing in or on)–वासी (as, in : arenicolous वालुकावासी; saxicolous शिलावासी)
adj. (also-cole) (in comb.– Living or growing in or on)–वासी (as, in : arenicolous वालुकावासी; saxicolous शिलावासी)
(comb. form) –सरोवर
n. Biol. (also –phag) (in comb.–one that eats; cell that destroys cells) –भक्षी (पु.) (as in : bacteriophage जीवाणुभक्षी)
n. Bot. (in comb.–cotyledon)–बीजपत्र (न.) (as in : epicotyl उपरि बीजपत्र)
n. (in comb.) –लयन (न.) (as in : autolysis स्वलयन)
adj. Bot. (in comb.–loving; having affinity for; attracted by–as opposed to phobic) –रागी (as in : lyophilic द्रवरागी)
n. (in. come.) –आदिखंड (न.)
n. Bot., Zool. (in comb.–a cell) –पेशी (स्त्री.) (as in : leucocyte श्वेत पेशी)
adj. (in comb.) –लयी, –विलयी, –अपघटनी, –विघटनी
adj. Biol. (in comb.–having an affinity for) –रागित
(in comb.) –अनुवर्ती, –अनुवर्तनी
(Latin–suff. aceous, meaning like) –आभ, –वत्
(in comb.) –दर (as in : bifid = द्विदर)
n. (in comb.) –खंड (पु.)
n. Biol. (in comb.) १ (affinity for; fondness for) –रागिता (स्त्री.) २ –परागण (न.) (as in : zoophily प्राणि-परागण)
n. (in comb.) – अनुवर्तन (न.) (as in : heliotropism सूर्यानुवर्तन)
adj. Bot. (in comb. –having stamens) –पुंकेसरी (as in : monandrous एकपुंकेसरी)
adj. (in comb.–in the form or shape of; resembling) –रूप, –रूपी (as in : oviform अंडरूप; cordiform हृदरूप)
adj. (in comb.) –अवयवी (as in : bimerous द्विअवयवी)
adj. Biol. (in comb.–having an aversion for–opposed to philic) –विरोधी (as in : lyophobic द्रवविरोधी)
Zool. (in comb. –one that eats) –भक्षी (पु.), –आहारी (पु.)
n. Bot. –पुंकेसरता (स्त्री.) (as in : heterandry असम पुंकेसरता)
adj. (in comb.) १ –युग्मनी (as in : exogamous बहिर्युग्मनी) २ (as, gamic) –लिंगी, –लिंगीश्रयी
n. (in comb.) –अवयवता (स्त्री.) (as in isomery समअवयवता)
n. (in comb.–carrier) –धर (पु.) (as in : gametophore युग्मकधर)
adj. Bot., Zool. (in comb. –eating, feeding on) –भक्षी, –भक्षक, –आहारी
n. Bot. (pl. –angia) (in comb. –vessel;receptacle) –धानी (स्त्री.) (as in : gametangium युग्मकधानी)
n. (in comb.) १ –युग्मन (न.) २ –युग्मकता (स्त्री.)
n. (comb. form) १ –मिश्रण (न.) (as in : endomixis अंतर्मिश्रण) २ –जनन (न.) (as in : apomixis असंगजनन)
adj. (in comb) (having leaves, leaflets or leaf-like parts) –पर्णी (as in : isophyllous समपर्णी)
adj. Bot., Zool. (in comb.) १ (having a zygotic constitution) –युग्मधनी (as in : heterozygous विषमयुग्मनजी) २ (as, zygomatic) गंड–
n. (comb. Form-an organism resembling a flower) –पुष्पित (न.)
n. Zool. (in comb.) १ (a part having a specified relation to stomach) जठर– (as in : mesogaster जठर योजी) २ (organism having aspecified type of digestive tract) –जठर (न.)
n. (in comb.–one having such form) –रूप (न.)
n. (in comb) –पादप (पु.), –उद्भिद (पु.)
n. Zool. (mode of life) –जीविता (स्त्री.) (as in : aerobiosis वायुजीविता)
n. (also–gene) (in comb.–one that generates; one that is produced) –जन (न.) (as in : androgen पुंजन; exogen बहिर्जन) adj. (used attributively) –जन
adj. (in comb. –having such a form) –रूप, –रूपी
adj. –पिच्छकी, –पिच्छाकार, –पिच्छक (as in : bipinnate द्विपिच्छक)
n. (in comb.) १ Bot. –कोरक (पु.) २ Zool. जनकपेशी (स्त्री.)
n. (in comb.) –रूपता (स्त्री.)
adj. (in comb.) –गुणित (as in : heteroploid विषमगुणित)
adj. (in comb.) १ Bot. –कोरकी २ Zool. –जनकपेशीय
n. Biol. (in comb.) –जनन (न.)
n. (pl. morphoses) (in comb.) १ (as, the development or change of form of a specified thing) –रूपांतरण (न.) (as in : cytomorphosis पेशी रूपांतरण) २ (as, the development or change of form in a specified manner) –रूपजनन (न.) (as in : palaeomorphosis) पुरारूपजनन)
n. (in comb.) –गुणता (स्त्री.), –गुणिता (स्त्री.), –गुणितता (स्त्री.)
adj. Bot. –अंडपी (as in : bicarpellary द्विअंडपी)
adj. Biol. (in comb.) –जननिक
adj. (in comb.) –रूप, –रूपी
–आकार, –आकृति
suff. (stemmed) –स्तंभ, –स्तंभी
adj. Biol. (in comb.) –जीनी, –जन
n. (in comb.) –रूपता (स्त्री.)
n. (in comb.) १ (spore having such a characteristic or origin) –बीजाणु (पु.) २ (us, a spore membrane) –चोल (पु.)
n, Zool. (in comb) –शीर्ष (न.), शीर्षी (पु.)
adj. १ (in comb.–arising or originating in) –जात २ (producing or yielding) –जन
n. Bot. (in comb.) (as, a nastic movement of a plant part) –अनुकुंचन (न.), –कुंचन (न.) (as in : nyctinasty निशान कुंचन; epinasty अधोकुंचन)
n. (in comb.) –छद (पु.)
n. Zool. –शीर्षपांग खंड (पु.)
n. (in comb.) –आलेखी (पु.), –लेखी (पु.)
n. (in comb.) १ –तंतु (पु.) २ –तंतुकी (पु.)
adj. Biol. –अनुचलन, –अनुचलनी
adj. (in comb.) १ (of, relating to or having such or so many females or female characteristics) –जाय २ (of, relating to or having female organs) –जायांग
adj. (in comb.) (possessing a nucleus or nuclei) –केंद्रक
n. (in comb.) (also –taxy) Biol. १ –विन्यास (पु.) २ –अनुचलन (न.)
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