v.t.& i. १ (to impose a particular duty or task; to entrust with care, custody or management, etc.) प्रभार सोपवणे २ (to impose pecuniary burden on; to impose or record as a pecuniary obligation) भारित करणे, भार टाकणे ३ (to fix or ask a sum or fee or payment) आकारणे ४ Law दोषारोप करणे n. १ (a duty or task) प्रभार (पु.) २ (as, a burden, obligation) भार (पु.), प्रभार (पु.) ३ (something fixed or asked as a fee, payment, etc.–oft. used in pl. also) आकार (पु.) ४ (usu. In pl.) (expenditure or incurred expense, as, payment of costs, money paid out, etc.) खर्च (पु.) ५ आकारणी (स्त्री.) ६ Law दोषारोप (पु.)