ह्या मुद्यांवर
On these points
On these points
This may kindly be condoned
Surrender share
Without prejudice
As required
Muster roll
In the circumstances
The papers were marked to__; why were they not sent to him?
Certification of shares
Compensation for loss; recovery of loss
Required information may please be furnished/supplied without delay
Attendance roll
Claims of reimbursement admissible under these rules
These papers may be marked to....
Manipulation of accounts
Contributory negligence
Climate allowance
Fail to appear
Alternatives mentioned in this rule are mutually exclusive
This may be passed on to.....for necessary action
Discrepancy in accounts
Take up
Air armament practice
Acting allowance
Other than-
I think there is a case for extending the orders
Reconstruction of accounts
At hand balance
Aerial survey
Seasonal unemployment
At this stage
It is implied
Reconcile the account
On hand
By air mail
Seasonal establishment
Except as otherwise provided by this Act
Please treat it as most urgent
Closing of accounts
Stock on hand
Take exception, Call in question
Supersession of claims
Affirmative reply
It is quite evident
Production of accounts
Balance in hand
Surviving children
Investigation of claim
As soon as may be
Please treat this as strictly confidential
Finalisation of accounts
Cash on hand
Life certificate
Abandonment of claim
Other than
It is quite evident
Settle the account
Boarding in a hotel
Admonition for negligence
Verification of title
This case related to-
Ejected from
Render account, Account for
Bar to interference
Revocation of guarantee
Tendentious report
This case related to-
Settle the account
I see no reason to interfere
Assessment of the instalment
Wilful negligence
Matter may be referred to -
Salutary effect
Shall not intervene
Recovery by instalments
Wilful absence
It is a matter of regret
Wholesome food
Scrutiny of script
By instalments
Previous papers on the subject have been transferred to.... section
Intentionally done
During the pendency of these proceedings
Salutary effect
Send in manuscript form
Remit instalment
In continuation of this Department letter No.... dated....
Wilful mis-statement
This is an irregularity
Proposal is quite in order
Clerical error
Attendance notice
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