व्यापक आधारसामग्री
Comprehensive data
Comprehensive data
Scientific and technical posts
Medical examination
Salaried office
Scale of pay
Over and above the prescribed limit
Motion of confidence
Matters which call for special attention and quick disposal
In certain cases
Opposite direction
Departmental action
Exchange value
Legal advice
Legislative Assembly question
As per Financial Rules, Vol. I and II
For consideration
Give an option
Annual indent
Bone of contention
Reasonable wear and tear
Ipso facto
At the end of the year
Expenditure on the above account should be debited to the head -
Mentioned above; above mentioned
Rebate of interest
Cessation of hostilities
Reimbursement of medical charges
Work order on payment basis
Pay bill
Prescribed form
Want of confidence
Specially empowered
By a certain date
Redeemable preference shares
Expansion of the departmental staff
Exchange certificate
Question of law
Any bill to be moved in the Legislature
Financial review
Point under consideration
Disability pension
Annual store account
Casus belli
Determination of reasonable rent
In kind
Conduct rules
Expenditure on the above account should be met out of the savings under the head ....... in the current year’s budget
Above cited
As defined
Personal pay
On medical grounds
Any remuneration of the nature of pay
Acquittance roll
Prescribed procedure
Motion of confidence
Special allowance
Return due on....
Redemption fund
Project undertaken departmentally
Bill of exchange
Ignorance of law
Pending authorization of the Legislature
Financial crisis
Paper under consideration is self explanatory
Grant of conveyance hire
Annual administration report
Issue framed
Reasonable grounds
Packing and composition
Conduct and behaviour record
Action as at ‘A’ above
Relaxation of age limit
It is not feasible
Personal privileges
Leave on medical grounds
Arrears of pay
Fixation of pay itself raises some controversial questions
Possession of prescribed qualifications
Office of trust
Material loss
Calendar of returns
Insured person
Division wise break-up
Free competition
Unlawful purpose
Malicious act
Financial aid
Paper under consideration
Cancellation of service
Annual inspection report
Subject in dispute
Bibliographical classification
Objective assessment
Character certificate
Senior time scale
Application of age limit
As far as practicable, So far as practicable
Personal security
Medical report
Refixation of pay
Fixation of pay
Prescribed qualifications
Breach of trust
By special messenger
Return is blank
Discharged certificate
Functions of a department
Free carriage
Contrary to law
Academic institution
Sanctioned after consultation with Finance Department
Under consideration
Freight to pay
Annual outlay
Controversial matter; disputed matter
During good behaviour
Manufacturing account
In alphabetical order
Observations made above
Age limit
In practice
Personal effects
Optional holiday
Advance of pay
Reduction in pay
In extensive form
Trust property
In particular
Method of disposal
Discharged bankrupt
Allocation account
Gratuitous goods
Bills relating to imposition by legislation of punishment
Academic qualifications
Consultation with Finance Department is necessary
In reply to a query
Freight charges
Annual possession certificate
Determination of disputed questions
Bad climate allowance
Manufacturing process
As described
Seemingly correct
Overage candidate
In a neat and tidy way
Personal qualities and practical ability
Optional appearance
Consequent upon the revision of payscales
Incidence of pay and allowances, pension and leave salary
Issue memo to ... for wide publicity and report compliance by... and put up on...
Reliable evidence
Unusual occurrence
Decision of disposal
Certificate of insurance
Divisible surplus
Free transit
Having the force of law Object of Legislation
Foreign Government
Except to the extent that power may have been delegated to the Departments under rules approved by the Finance Department
May be considered
Permissible means of transport
Annual establishment return
Commercial undertaking
Letter of administration
Unrealisable sum
Alphabetical register
Cursory glance
Age certificate
Provident fund account
Systematic work
Legislative business
From time to time
Revision of payscales
Extracts taken
In detail
Analytical entry
Special disability leave
Pre-merger balance
Assignment made by endorsement of the policy
Divisible expenditure
Undated cheque
Usage having the force of law
Foreign service
Except in accordance with such general delegation as the Finance Department may have made
Illustrious personages
Haulage charges; freight charges
Annual recurring expenditure
Enhanced rent
Carrying capacity
Assets realised
Classified catalogue
Perfunctory and cryptic reports
Any person who has attained the age of 15 years
Practical training
General object of the management
Legal position
Timely action
Revision of payscales
Release to press
In extenso
Analysis register
Professing a particular denomination
Merged state servants
Air service
Allocated Government servant should be deemed to be belonging to an all-State cadre
At request
Enforceable by law
Financial aspects
Concurrence of the Finance Department has been obtained
Saleable publications
Bonfire resident/student
Annual report and balance sheet
Enhanced punishment
Inconsistent with the facts
Write off an amount to be recovered
Analytical entry
Above noted
Age certificate
Vocational training
Assume management
Legal tender
In good time; in time
Payscales have been declared as identical
Report on the observance of press code
Earnest deposit
Reservation of circuit and rest houses
Specific recommendations
Delay is regretted
Insured estimated value
Schedule of specification
Transfer at request
De jure
Financial accommodation
Remittance report
Marketable products
Factual Data
Annual report
At random
Facts are as follows
Waive the recovery
Analysis register
On account of the reasons given above
Cashed and disbursed
Professional examination
Managerial work
Lawful possession
Timely completion
Scale of pay
Press code
Discrepancies may be reconciled
Specialized training
Specifically appropriated
Cause of delay
Sum insured
Specific goods
As per request
Error of law
Financial assistance
Remittance register
Saleable publications
De facto
Year book
Indiscriminate use
Disregarding the facts
For recovery, remittance and report
Categorization into classes
Upper age limit
Weights and measures
Trading account
Continuance of arrangements
Medical aid
In time
Count towards increment
Electric installation
Inconsistent statement
Specialized post
In certain cases
Without delay
Divided responsibility
Appropriation accounts and reports
As desired, As per request
Expiry of validity period
Financial resources
Distribution list
Register of sales
Physical targets
Heirship certificate
Allocation account
Based on facts and figures
Special mode of recovery
Class cadre
Upward limit
Shall be omitted
Trade name
Non-practising allowance
Medical fee
Scheduled arrival and departure
Increment stopped
Memorial or petition
Treatment of a subject
By special messenger
Solemnization of marriage
Delay should be avoided
Departmental representative
Appropriation accounts
Passing of bill
By law
Financial concurrence
Terms of reference
Turnover of sales
Annual general meeting
Reply not received in spite of repeated reminders
Loss in transit
Question of fact
Collection charges
In view of the above
Incidental expenses
Trade mark
Person shall be proceeded against
Leave on medical certificate
Time schedule; time table
Withholding of increment
Presents compliments to
Table of contents
Post carrying a special pay
Subject in dispute
Delaying tactics
Departmental examination
Unit of appropriation
Violation of law
Constructive approach
Delegation of financial powers
Motion for consideration
Mutilated cheque
Calendar statement
Out of use
Reasonable facilities
Point of fact
At the beginning of the year
As above
Overhead expense
Comprehensive risk
Whereabouts of individuals
Form of medical history
Economy of time and labour
Earn an increment
In the prescribed manner
Trustworthy hand
Grant of special pay
Moot point
Antagonistic attitude
Departmental enquiry
Power to make regulations
Equality before law
Accuracy of statement
Financial year
Referred to-
Development scheme, Scheme of development
Annual return
Compensation for use and occupation
Determination of reasonable rent
Mistake of fact
Amount due for payment during the year
In the above circumstances it is requested that
At the time mentioned above
Broad-based training
Personally liable
Medical attendance
Leave with pay
Stop of increment
Prescribed manner
Faithfully done
Deserves special consideration
Adjudication of dispute
Opposite direction
Departmental proceedings
Rate of exchange
Substantial question of law
Starred Assembly question
Financial implications
Motion for consideration
Exercise option
Annual audit programme
Fit for consumption
Reasonable efforts
Error of fact
During the year
In view of the above
With reference to your memo cited
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