Inasmuch as
Inasmuch as
Count and report
Original copy
Basic obligations
Facsimile of seal
Head office
I shall be thankful
Disclosure of information
Through cases
Certificate of approval
Standard specification
Count the past service
Requisition form
Revenue stamp
I have no instructions
Revaluation of assets
Accord sanction
By way of
At liberty, to be
Substantive confirmation
As per Fundamental Rules, Volume I and II
Stamped agreement
Title page
I reiterate my former comments
Monthly progress report
Care of
Accord approval
Standard register
From prepage
Budget head to which the cost of the Indent is debitable
Fixation of rent
I am to add
Difference between assets and liabilities
Sanctioning authority
As such
Spare time
Hold substantively
Fundamental principles
Discount on stamps
Duly authorised under power of attorney
I authorise you
Monthly abstract of receipts and issues
Loss in transit
Period of validity
Provided that substitutes are engaged only in necessitous cases only in necessitous cases
Submitted with reference to Deputy secretary’s orders on prepage dated -
Indent from
Revenue expenditure
It has come to my notice
Apportionment of assets and liabilities
Sanctioning authority
Contention is untenable
Limited to mileage
Substantive post
Initially irregular
Affixing of stamps
Free competition
I shall be highly obliged
Outgoing member
Disposal of work en route
Draft may issue subject to approval
Introduction of-(a Bill)
Query at prepage
Time schedule for submission of indent
Revenue and capital expenditure
I am to state that...
Assets and liabilities
Power of sanction
That is (i. e.)
Death-cum-retirement benefits
Basic pay
As originally enacted
Copyright note
Free and unfettered discretion
On receipt of
Title of goods
Goods in transit
Subject to approval
Paid in my presence
As overleaf
Investigation of claim
Loss of revenue
Limited tender
Consensus of opinion
Arrears of wages
Original work
Property passing upon death to-
Original work
Is not likely to materialise
Press copy
Free access
Soon after the receipt
Conveyance of goods
Stock in transit
Title of honour
It has been brought to my notice that-
Back payment
Admission of claim
Digest of important Government Resolutions, Circulars, Orders etc.
Limited liability
Counting of votes
Apply for sanction
Viva-voce and personality test
Sentenced to death
Parent office
Tangible result
Typographical error
Free and voluntary consent
May be obtained
Evaluation of goods
In transit
Deemed date
In continuation of my No…..
For precedent please see
Counterfoil of requisition slip
Material change
Restricted interpretation
For expression of opinion
Apply for sanction
Rate of mortality
Original work
Acquiescence and waiver
To the point
Open access
Compost manure pits
Delivery of goods
For guidance
Supposed rights
Property returned to…. In my presence
Antedated cheque
Abandonment of claim
Material particulars
Vital centre
Difference of opinion
Wages and salaries
Impression of seal
Dying declaration
Papers to be returned in original
Deduction at source
Point by point
Give discharge
For information
Conveyance of goods
Dispense with
Complimentary copy
Under my authority
Communication referred to in the preceding note
Call number
Material particulars
In bad books
Difference of opinion
Sanction has become inoperative
Affix a seal
Testamentary disposition
Domicile of origin and domicile of choice
Appear for an interview
Petty time barred claim
Duration of halts
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action
Transfer of property
Approved service certificate
Defamatory note
I have satisfied myself
Amount of leave asked for
Indenting officer
Reply may be sent as per draft
Deceased person
For expression of opinion
Monopoly price
Sealed cover
Testamentary succession
In original
Civil employ
Time barred
All-inclusive rates of halting allowance
For information and necessary action
Acquisition of property
Approved sample
Unfit for human consumption
I agree
Consideration of claims
Claim and dividend account
Incorporated in the draft
Acts prohibited
Cast a vote
Sealed tender
Deceased person
Ad valorem
Civil pay
Terminable lease
I beg to submit that
Neglecting to furnishing information
Compulsory acquisition of property
Draft put up for approval
Guard of honour
My presumption may be confirmed
Claim accepted
Lease from month to month
Drafting capacity and general efficiency
Through excitement
Delimitation of constituencies
Monopoly price
For free distribution
In original
Reassessment of Value
Civil employ
Bar of limitation
Calculations checked by me
Furnishing Information
Cession of property
Draft for approval
Deemed to be
I suggest
Renounce a claim
By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra
Check the draft
Zero hour
Electoral constituency
Wide discontent
Substantive pay; basic pay
Fixation of price
Civil posts
Barred by limitation
I shall be grateful
Without being informed
Delivery of goods
Subject to approval
Complimentary pass
I suppose
Indent sample
Incorporation, regulation and winding up of Corporation
I trust
In the mean time
Power shall vest in the Board
above, I beg to state that-
On large scale
Primary standard
Valuation statement
Compost manure pits
Staple trade
I shall be indebted
In the absence of information
Goods transport service
For approval
Reason to believe
Lag behind
Recovery of claims
Dearness allowance
I would like to have a report of....
Intervening period
Duration of sanction
Referred to as-
With great vigour
Return in original
Valuation certificate
Impression of seal
Keep pending till the decision is taken on the main file
I shall feel obliged
Exchange of information
Bill of entry
Appended Government Resolution may issue subject to approval
Strict conformity with the standard
With permission to affix and suffix
Put up requisition
Revenue duty
I regret to state that …
Cabinet responsibility
Issue sanction
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