Indemnity bond
Indemnity bond
Treasury and bank balances
By any means
Centrally aided scheme
Due intimation may please be sent
Fluctuation in prices
In any case
Office considers that
Efficient education
Revise working plan
Rules of procedure
Undergo a sentence of imprisonment
Contrary to law
Off duty
May be returned when done with
Workable area
This is to inform that-
Absence on duty
Duty Schedule
Breach of contract
Payment of taxes
At least
Non-fulfilment of contract
Necessary vouchers
Treasury receipt
Without hindrance
Nucleus headquarters
Return of file may kindly be expedited
Level of prices
In course of time
Confined to office
Advantageous for efficiency
Preparation of working plan
Rules of business
Sentence of imprisonment
Incorporated company
On duty
This may be returned when done with
Facility of working
Orders communicated
On duty
Repayment of loan
Contract in
Provide for the levy of the tax
Retrenched staff
Extension of contract
Business of Government
Cash in hand of treasurer
On no account
Centrally sponsored scheme
Kindly acknowledge receipt
Lapse of time
Office to examine
To the best of ability
Relief and joining report awaited
Phasing of programme
Actionable wrong
Duly constituted under law
Priority given to the work
Work in progress
Transfer of assignment
At any rate; by any means
Nature of duties
Loan register
For the covenanted services
Imposition of tax
Dispense with
Enforce rigidly
Miscellaneous working circle
Carte blanche
In any case
Non-agricultural purposes
Kindly confirm and a copy may be furnished
Slightly affected
Out of date
Office to note carefully
Place of business
Date of relief
Phasing of programme
Take action
By law
Dislocation of work
Conditions of labour and amenities for labour
Issue oustal order
Explanation from the defaulter may be obtained
Allocation of duties
Sinking fund
Indentured apprentice
Liable to pay tax
Earning dependent
Will be dealt with severely
Active service
In any form
At random
Agricultural colonisation
May please see
In course of time
Time limit
Office to take action
Facility of working
Resumption of charge
Implementation of programme
Elucidate the reasons
Equal protection of law
At any time during workings hours
Requisite number of labourers
Strictly speaking
Whatever may be the circumstances
Allocation of duties
Works taken under loan programme
Agreement form
Evade the payment of tax
Maximum price
Sever action
Working partner, Active partner
By any means
Has no comments to make
Agricultural year
Skilled labour
Caretaker Government
Ex-post facto approval
Office hours
Work charged establishment
Take over charge of duties
Implementation of programme
Cause and effect
Legal advice
Working hours
Labour reports
Economy measures
Calendar year
Duty burden
Raise a loan
Execution of an agreement
Payment of taxes
Ceiling rate
Harsh treatment
Next lower in order
On no account
Has no comments to make, No comments to make
Agricultural income
Coat of arms
After careful consideration
Ex-post facto sanction
Office procedure
Work sheet
Handing over and taking over
Programme schedule
Show cause notice
Violation of law
Cannot cope with the rush of work
Labour dispute
Documentary proof/evidence
Calendar month
Sphere of duty
On compassionate grounds
Agreement bond
Reluctant to do
Maximum price
Difficult situation
Subject to jurisdiction
Numbered paragraph
Save as otherwise provided in any law or rule
No action is necessary, file
Notes and orders at page.......... may please be seen in this connection
Petty cash book
After careful consideration
Ex-post facto confirmation or revision
Office proposes
Paper under disposal
Report of relinquishment of charge
Executive body
You are called upon to show cause
Lawful possession
Nature of duties
Labour dispute
Validation of papers
Artistic merit
Desertion from duty
Omitted to be done
Agreement form
Purporting to be done
Cut motion
Ephemeral roll
Exercise jurisdiction
Serial list
Under the authority of any law
By no means
Kindly let me know
Petty construction and repairs
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
Exercise of functions
Office proposes
Paper under disposal
Charge relinquishment, Relinquishment of charge
Working capital
Permanent travelling allowance
Legitimate purpose
Assessment of work
In the ordinary course of business
It appears from the papers that-
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section........
Sense of duty
Conditions of contract
Enter into an agreement
Affecting taxation
Fraudulent action
Rough copy
Without jurisdiction
Gradual increase
By any means
All-sea route
May please see
Minor irregularities
Notwithstanding anything contained
Office memorandum
Head of office
Vitiate the proceedings
Charge allowance
Executive authority
Permanent resettlement
Law and order
Completion of work
In the ordinary course of business
Papers should not be tossed for several days
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section........
Duty certificate
Terms of agreement
Enter into an agreement
Certificate of taxation
Inferior service
Raw material
Extend the jurisdiction
Out of turn allotment
By any means
Free on rail value
Kindly permit
Minor lapses and delinquencies
Entrustment of certain functions
I fully agree with the office note
Office and fair copies are put up for approval and signature
Quash the proceedings
Charge report
Executive authority
Substantive appointment
Detail for duty
Evade duties
In course of business
Papers are sent herewith
Claim deduction under Section................
Make defaults in performance
Due performance of agreement
Deed of covenant and indemnity
Incidence of taxation
Revert to a lower post
Field inspection
Systematic work
In any case
Income for services rendered
Kindly direct them to this office
Sundry expenses
Bar to certain proceedings
Office note
Wind up the office
Non-actionable receipt
Assumption of charge
Executive authority
Substantive appointment
Absence from duty
Load of work
In course of business
Submission of papers
Rule framed under Section................
Discharge of duties
Execution of an agreement
Taxable income
Fall short of
Revert to a lower post
Passed with condonation
As a matter of course
Enforceable by any court
Rendered service
Minor accident
In certain cases
Office expenses
Execute work order
Proceedings be stayed
Charge assumption
Executive administration
Substantive post
Join duty
Work day
Rules of business
Rearrange the papers
Offence under Section ................is clearly established
Discharge of duties
Subsistence of agreement
Taxable income
Derogatory statement
By no means
May be excused
Tabulated statement
Nothing shall affect
Acts done or purported to be done
Passed with grace
Minor irregularities
Proposals, if any
Office procedure
Work order
Stay of proceedings
Modus operandi
Cause and effect
Subject to confirmation
Call out on duty
Speed up disposal
Business hours
Sitting over the papers
Numerical strength of staff
Desertion from duty
Non-fulfilment of contract
Taxable income
Derogatory statement
Contract supply system
Competency certificate holder
Treasury strong room
Shall not be called in question on any ground
Central assistance
Please put up a self-contained summary
Minimum amount
In certain cases
Official documents
Line of action
Take action
Uniformity in procedure
Continue to function
In confirmation
Resume duties
Capable of executing the work
Transact business
Papers have been amalgamated
Perform the duties
Dereliction of duty
Extension of contract
Tax free
Derogatory statement
Piece rate worker
Test of competence
As per Treasury Compilation Rules, Volume I and II
Allowed without any cuts
Centrally assisted scheme
Finance Department may kindly see for concurrence
Nucleus staff
On no account
Office order
Duty schedule
Dealing hand
Follow the procedure
Work Schedule
Ignorance of law
Fit to resume duty
Call off duty
Conduct of business
Papers do not appear to have been received
Travel on duty
In the course of duty
Contract out
Exemption from tax
Fall short of
Conditions of contract
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