आदेशाच्या वैधतेविषयी शंका घेता कामा नये
Legality of the order cannot be questioned
Legality of the order cannot be questioned
Orders communicated
Advance payment
Contingency fund
Copy applied for
Quantity required
Receipt and issue section
Power shall vest in the Commissioner
At your convenience
In addition to one’s own duties
Resubmitted with previous papers
Non-compliance with orders
Confirmation order
Inter-State trade and commerce
Advance and its recovery
Contingent allotment
Entertain an application
Needful has been done
Pecuniary interest
Exemption from Income-tax
Make best of one’s capacities
Your presumption is correct
Compilation of data
Authenticity of orders
Reverse an order
Refund of advance
Contingent bill
Application may be rejected
For favour of necessary action
Pecuniary loss
Refund or Income-tax
Over one’s signature
Correspondence resting with your memo No. ................................
Collection and compilation of data
Authenticity of orders
Give effect to an order
Extraordinary powers in case of emergency
Advance bills
Contingent register
Requisition for a form of application
For necessary action
Economic rent
Income-tax free
Your request cannot be acceded to
Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours
Enumeration of data
Enforcement of orders
Model standing orders
Provided further that-
Advance bills
Contingent charges/expenditure
Challenged votes
Prescribed form of application
Returned after doing the needful
Pecuniary loss
We agree with ‘A’ above
Your request cannot be considered
Truely yours, Yours Truely/faithfully
Cardinal principle
Disobedience of orders
Model rules
It is further requested that-
In advance
Contingent use
Returned with objection
Application form
Necessary action
Economic uplift
Drastic change
Explained in your letter
I am directed to state that-
Supporting vouchers
Power to suspend execution of orders
Model rules
Eight-monthly expenditure statement
Unusual occurrence
Numerical return
Hearing of objections
Presentation of an application
Obligatory function
Forced by economic necessity
Radical change
With reference to your letter
Allotment placed at your disposal
Execution of process
Penalty for contravention of orders
Contents received
Causes beyond control
Date of arrival
Objections have been dealt with
Application is covered by the rules
Necessary steps should be taken
Economic crisis
Emergency recruitment
Acting in his discretion
You will appreciate my difficulties
For favour of orders
Penalty for contravention of orders
Sumptuary allowance
Beyond control
Arrival and departure
Abstract of objections
For such action as may be necessary
Essential qualification
Deposition was explained to the accused and was attested by me in his presence
Emergency cadre
Justify one’s action
Incidental mileage
Representation against order
Disobedience of orders, Breach of order
Now these presents witness that
Strive one’s best
Excluding the charges
Memorandum of objections
May deem necessary
As may be necessary
Rebut the charges
Emergency commission
Neglecting his legitimate duties
Collateral evidence
For orders
Execution of orders
For the reason now explained we concur in the proposal
Life annuity
Contingent annuity
Statement of objections, Objection statement
Such action as may be deemed necessary
Recurring expenditure
Health certificate
Emergency certificate
Your reply is awaited
Incidental charges
Revised memo is put up as desired
Orders issued
Intrinsic value
Despatch today
Contingency may arise
Raise objection, Take exception
Deem necessary
Fulfil necessary stipulations
Health certificate
Emergency duties
Abide by one’s word
Incidental to
Drafted as directed
Vide note on the order-sheet
Internal arrangement
Life imprisonment
Emergency duties
Drawing and disbursing officer
Necessary draft put up
Recurring grant
Take up
As explained in your memorandum
After giving an opportunity to be heard
Presumptive pay
Drafted as directed
Orders are solicited
Interdivisional routes
Issue today
Emergency cadre
Pay of establishment
Necessary report is still awaited
Within the purview of the Commission
In compliance with your memo No…................
Opportunity to be heard
Modern style
As desired; as directed, By order
Orders passed
Interdepartmental inquiry
Out today
Emergency certificate
Establishment charges
Essential supply
Wind up
Life insurance policy, assignment of
Acting in his discretion
I think our view should be pressed with-
Modify an order
Early orders are solicited
Advance increment
Contingency register
Hold in abeyance, Keep in abeyance
Obligatory examination
Inward register
Life insurance
At your earliest convenience
I solicit your orders
Please put up with previous papers
In partial modification of the orders
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