असे दिसून आल्यास
If it shall appear
If it shall appear
Unprotected land
Motion of no-confidence
Residuary powers of legislation
Unwritten agreement
Demi official letter
Prescribed form of application
Continue to be in force
Institute prosecution
Out of use
Appeal was heard ex-parte
Casualty ward
Apprise informally
Procedure to be followed
Non-productive consumption
Sine die
Open letter
Supernumerary post
Bulk of expenditure
Record of right
Gross negligence
Surplus sum
Drastic action
Embarrassing situation
All India Services
It may be pointed out that-
Unprotected land
Motion of no-confidence
Submitted for perusal
Accord recognition to qualifications
Moity of the salary
Application form
Unlimited power
For favour of remarks
Anticipated expenditure
Abducted person
Depute an officer to investigate
Unofficial letter
Ancillary services
Undue interference
State of uncertainty
Non-recurring expenditure
Above par
Cheques to be drawn in favour of officers
More convenient
Is highly pertinent
Additional information statement
Non-technical post
According to stipulations
Perpetual succession
In the event of-
Non-continuous service
No-confidence vote
For perusal
Ways and means forecast
Entertain an application
Unlimited power
Remarks column
Anticipated or estimated expenditure
Abusive language
In other respects
Consult unofficially
Ancillary services
Undue benefit
Indefinite period
Through inadvertence
General body
Pay of officers
Returned for further consideration
Circumstances of extreme urgency
Surplus assets
Non-technical post
Terms and conditions
Unskilled labour
In the event of-
Anomalous position
Indiscriminate use
Unclassified posts
Qualifying standard
Ways and means
Application may be rejected
Inordinate delay
Call for remarks
As required
Exclusive list
Other things being equal
Consult unofficially
Incidental to
Undue influence
Indefinite period
Inadvertently overlooked
Authentic copy
In official capacity
Added entry
In all humility
Excess profit; additional profit
Sub-divided capital
Continued under requisition
Undue hardship
Assuming that
Absurd statement
Without delay
Below par
Qualified candidate
That is (i.e.)
Application is covered by the rules
Course of studies
Dispassionate opinion
Omission of fraction
Provision for exclusion
Is otherwise in accordance with the provisions of this Act
Informally ascertained
Succeeding paragraph
Undue influence
Indefinite period
Amount of leave not due
Authentic copy
Commutation of rights
Gross impertinence
Extra work; additional function
Internal arrangement
Forwarding endorsement
Unforeseen charges
Despite this
It is not sought to make these rules applicable to such cases
Unceasing efforts
Notwithstanding the expiration term
Qualifying standard
Disbursement of subsidy
So and so
For record
Alleged statement
Fall short of
Insufficient cause
Except where otherwise stated these charges should be regulated as if they were countersigned contingencies
Unofficial notes and aide memoirs
Allowed and remanded
Serial number
Leave not due
Overhead cost
Without jurisdiction
Reply not yet received
Badly neglected
Release of surplus personnel
Internal and external
Forwarding letter
Unforeseen circumstances
Minor children
In the circumstances
Integral relationship
Lapsed sanction
Qualifying examination
Budget estimates
Take effect, Come into force, Come into operation
Apparent error on the face of records
Statement of allegations
Insufficient cause
Sine qua non
Not otherwise provided for
Informal discussion
Under compliance
Ex-gratia payment
Uneconomic cultivation
Unexpected delay
In pursuance of the Act
Subject to jurisdiction
Estimated cost
Very urgent
Very Important Personages (V.I.P.)
Substitute may be appointed as an interim arrangement
Inadmissible claim
Detrimental action
With due regard to the nature and extent of such duties
Non-divisible expenditure
Tenure post
When not qualified or when disqualified
Budgetary irregularity
Shall take effect
Classification of record
Defamatory suit or case
Inadequate funds
Sine qua non
Howsoever otherwise
Admissible limit of amount
Compliance report
Table of contents
Unrestricted interpretation
Exclusive jurisdiction
Provisions of the appropriate penal Section of the Act
Extend the jurisdiction
Estimated receipts
Most urgent
Final acceptance
Make interim arrangements
Warrant of precedence
Not transferable
Inasmuch as
To the effect
Bad in law
Minority opinion
Qualifying marks
Budget estimates
Cease to operate
Preservation of record
Will remain unaffected
Entertainment of an appeal
Unavoidable accident
Unless otherwise provided
Admissible expenditure
Absentee statement
Favourable condition
Undetermined value
Exclusive power
For the Purpose of the Act
Waive rights
Estimated expenditure
Cases of extreme urgency
Last pay certificate
Interim/Stop-gap arrangement
Determination of priority
Year under report
Unproved charge
Partial modification
Dead stock register
Under-developed countries
When the qualifying service is less than the prescribed minimum
Budget provision
Carry into effect
Elimination of records
By dishonest means
Appellant pleaded not guilty to the charge framed against him
Unalterable decision
Until otherwise provided for
Suspension or cancellation of licence
Absentee allowance
Optimum utilisation
Keep pending
Exclusive jurisdiction
Within the ambit of the Act
Deprived of a right
Estimated out-turn
Gross misconduct
Cases pending final disposal
Interim audit
Fire risk certificate
Unstable administration
Abnormal situation
Dead stock
Short term credit
Qualifying service
Budget head
As in force
Destruction of records
Act of misconduct involving dishonesty
Appellant contends that
Cognizance of offences
Not otherwise provided for
Licence fee
As per instructions
Optimum point
Statement of irregularities
Exclusive right
Implication of the Act
As a matter of right, As of right
Excess over the estimate
Top secret
Finally notified
For interim information
Whichever is earlier
Temporary appointment
Extraordinary meeting
Partial decontrol
Accession register
Short term
Semi-autonomous bodies
Budget statement
In operation, In force
System of keeping records
Irrelevant fact
Appeal would lie
Commission of an offence
Ceteris paribus
Pre-licence enquiry
Instructions are awaited
On Compassionate grounds
Commit irregularity
Unauthorised arrears
After coming into force of the Act
Confer a right
Abstract of estimate
Highly objectionable
As the last resort
Interim payment
Purely temporary post
It may be pointed out that-
Extraordinary leave
Disorderly behaviour
Accession number
Slightly affected
Bi-weekly statement
Budget sanction
Law in force
Maintenance of records
Indirect election
Appeal allowed
Commission of the act charged as an offence
By any other means
Licence holder
Instructions are solicited
Compassionate allowance
Irregular action
Unauthorised action
Before the Pay and Accounts Officer is addressed accordingly the papers may be shown unofficially to the Finance Department
Approximate cost
Highly irregular
Final Order
Ad interim
Thumb impression
This is to certify that
Shall be bound to obey such order
Illegal dealings
Non-essential services
Short cut method
Leave on half average pay
Framing of budget
Remain in force
Deposited in record room
Indirect expenditure
Investiture of appellate powers
In case of failure
Hunger strike
As per item in the schedule
Revocation of grants
Compassionate gratuity
Irregular action
Take the chair
Release from requisition
Continue to be in office
Non-cognizable offence
Heavily congested
Over payment
Interim loan
Thumb impression
Failing which serious action will be taken
Non-cadre officer
Illegal gratification
By all means
Short notice
Half average
Earned leave is granted
Executive function
Record room
Incontrovertible evidence
Order in appeal
Adulterated drugs
Food bonus fund
Cases which are likely to affect the good government of the scheduled areas
Surrender of grants
Adjourned sine die
Non-regular employees
Occasional surprise checks
Authorization certificate number
Enter upon an office, Assumption of office
Essential services
Badly infested
Most immediate
Interim reply is put up
Closing balance
It is presumed that
If any, In case of-
Leave without pay
Period of compulsory waiting
Short spell
Half truth
Earned leave
Executive proceeding
Initiation of prosecution
Unhampered action
Released on appeal
Act of trespass
Unofficial card-reminder
Scheduled bank
Unproductive labour
Adjourned sine die
Uncalled for remarks
Draft notification is in order
Official documents
As of right
Narrow majority
Surplus area
Overtime allowance
Interim order
Approximate closing balance
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