kernel sentence
n. (opp : transform sentence, cf : sentence) मूलरचित वाक्य (न.), मूलरचित वाक्य
n. (opp : transform sentence, cf : sentence) मूलरचित वाक्य (न.), मूलरचित वाक्य
n. 1 (sample word for teaching letters, sounds, etc. e.g., ‘a’ as in apple, the sound of ‘s’ as in rose) नमुना-शब्द (पु.) 2 (at the top of an alphabetical reference work to facilitate search) मार्गदर्शक मथळा-शब्द (पु.) 3 (after Matore, indicative of a culture and its mode of thought, e.g. fairplay in English) मोक्याचा शब्द (पु.)
adj. (of feedback, etc.) गतिसंवेदमार्गी
गतिसंवेदनमार्गी प्रत्याग्रहण
n. गतिसंवेदन (न.)
adj. (better : punctual 1)
n. (better : moving tone), (better : moving tone)
n. (cf : classificatory kinship term, term 1) नातेवाचक संज्ञा (स्त्री.)
n. (cf : language competence, language skill, reproduction) भाषाज्ञान (न.), भाषाज्ञान
n. respectable auxiliary contact language variety, cf : language variety, pidgin 2, broken dialect) गडी बोली (स्त्री.), गडी बोली
n. तरंगलेख (पु.)
n. तरंगलेखी (पु.)
कारक ⊕, n. (e.g. agentive, cf : case relation, upapada) कारक ⊕ (न.), साधक ⊕ (न.), साधन ⊕ (न.)
n. तरंगलेखन (न.)
n. (namely : case-marker नामविभक्ति ⊕ verb-concord, deverbative derivation, denominative derivation, compounds) कारक (न.)
n. (also : deliberate elimination, cf : elimination) परिवर्जन (न.), सहेतुक अस्वीकार (पु.)
n. (better : grammatical nucleus)
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